hexaploid wheat evolution

Evolution of the Aux/IAA Gene Family in Hexaploid Wheat J Mol Evol. Previous studies show that translocated genes could undergo elevated rates of evolution and recombination frequencies around these genes can be altered. The aim of the presented study is a genetic characterization of the hexaploid wheat Triticum aestivum L. Two approaches were used for the genealogical study of hexaploid wheats—the complete sequencing of chloroplast DNA and PCR-based haplotype analysis of the fourth intron of Wknox1d and of the fifth-to-sixth-exon region of Wknox1b. Zhang Received: 17 November 1997 / Accepted: 17 . the oldest evidence for hexaploid wheat has been confirmed through dna analysis of wheat seeds, dating to around 6400-6200 bce, recovered from southern anatolia. 2014). Simple sequence repeat (SSR) sequences, predominately located in heterochromatic regions of chromosomes, are the effective marker for tracing the genomic DNA sequence variations. Dvorak J, Luo M-C, Yang Z-L, Zhang HB (1998) The structure of the Aegilops tauschii genepool and the evolution of hexaploid wheat. Polymorphism in the lengths of restriction fragments at 53 single-copy loci, the rRNA locus Nor3, and the high-molecular-weight glutenin locus Glu1 was investigated in the D genome of hexaploid Triticum aestivum and that of Aegilops tauschii, the source of the T. aestivum D genome. (1) Wheat is the world's largest and most (3) An understanding of the process of speciesimportant food crop for direct human con- domestication and genome evolution thatsumption; therefore . and hexaploid wheat [19]. Genome analysis in Triticum zhukovskyi, a new hexaploid wheat. Wheat evolution and domestication. This new species would have been tetraploid (four complete genome complements) Hexaploid wheat arose as a result of a second hybridisation between the new tetraploid and a third diploid species, T. tauschii (the D genome donor). Recent studies at the scale of the whole genome have suggested rapid genomic changes after polyploidization but so far the rearrangements that have occurred in terms of gene content and organization have not . 1. Plant J. To understand the molecular evolution of this locus region, three orthologous Glu-1regions from the three subgenomes of a single hexaploid wheat species were sequenced, totaling 729 kb of sequence. Evolution of Hexaploid wheat | Triticum Aestivum | Plant Breeding | How Hexaploid Wheat developed? (based on Jauhar et al. Avni et al. TaMLO. 5 hexaploid wheat being a major type of wheat in the next agricultural history, which accounting 6 for about 95% of world wheat production whereas the tetraploid durum wheat (T. durum) only 7 accounting for the other 5% (Dubcovsky and Dvorak, 2007). KMC 3: counting and manipulating k-mer statistics. It contains two diploids, two tetraploids and two hexaploids. Genome-Wide Identification and Evolutionary Analysis of Argonaute Genes in Hexaploid Bread Wheat. Gill et al. In this paper, we reviewed . einkorn, while the D genome of hexaploid wheat is clearly derived from that of T. tauschii. The focus of this study was to analyze the content, distribution, and comparative genome relationships of 996 chromosome bin-mapped expressed sequence tags (ESTs) accounting for 2266 restriction fragments (loci) on the homoeologous group 3 chromosomes of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The most recent assembly of hexaploid bread wheat recovered the highly repetitive TE space in an almost complete chromosomal context and enabled a detailed view into the dynamics of TEs in the A, B, and D subgenomes. Acc homoeoloci and the evolution of wheat genomes D. Chalupska*, H. Y. Lee*, J. D. Faris†, A. Evrard‡, B. Chalhoub‡, R. Haselkorn*§, and P. Gornicki*§ *Department of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637; †United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Cereal Crops . However, little is known about the physiological basis of this trait or about the relative contributions of allohexaploidization and subsequent evo … (b) SegT2A: plant harbouring a duplicated segment of the short arm of chromosome 2A.N7B + SegT2A, plant lacking both copies of chromosome 7B (rectangle with red dotted border) and harbouring a duplicated segment of the short arm of chromosome 2A. , 2009. Keywords: polyploidy, synthetic hexaploid wheat, diploidization, additive variance, heritability. strangulata . In a recent work, Ramirez-Gonzalez et al. Modern wheat, which underlies the diet of many across the globe, has a long history of selection and crosses among different species. Common wheat ( Triticum aestivum ), also known as bread wheat, is a cultivated wheat species. T. aestivum (AABBDD genome) is thought to have arisen through hybridization of T. turgidum with the wild wheat species Aegilops tauschii Coss. In 2015, three articles published in New Phytologist discussed the origin of hexaploid bread wheat (AABBDD) from the diploid progenitors Triticum urartu (AA), a relative of Aegilops speltoides (BB) and Triticum tauschii (DD). The possible evolutionary history of hexaploid wheat is as follows: The genome D present in bread wheat is supposed to have been derived from a grass Aegilops squarrosa (2n = 14) which grows in the region extending from Armenia to Afghanistan. After this period, the hexaploid Triticum wheats emerged through natural hybridization between the tetraploid cultivars and diploid Aegilops and Triticum species. 1993). Chromosomal rearrangements are a major driving force in shaping genome during evolution. Showing all 3 results Common wheat has evolved from two spontaneous hybridization events (McFadden & Sears, 1944; Feldman, 2001 ). Again, chromosome doubling must have occurred in order to produce a fertile individual. One way to enhance bread wheat's ability to enrich these minerals would be to take advantage of diversity of wild species by creating synthetic hexaploid wheat (SW). Hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L., genome BBAADD) is generally more salt tolerant than its tetraploid wheat progenitor (Triticum turgidum L.).However, little is known about the physiological basis of this trait or about the relative contributions of allohexaploidization and subsequent evolutionary genetic changes on the trait development. To modify all three . (2004) screened > 200 accessions of Ae. Science 345: 1251788 10.1126/science.1251788 [Google Scholar] Kokot M., Dlugosz M., and Deorowicz S., 2017. To explore whether the relative histone methylation levels to the A and B subgenomes have been impacted by domestication and evolution under cultivation at the tetraploid and hexaploid levels, we analyzed how the modification states of A vs. B homologs of each of the triad genes have changed from wild tetraploid wheat (WTW, accession TD265) to . However, to date, no spontaneous or induced . (Ae. Either domesticated emmer or durum wheat hybridized with yet another wild diploid grass (Aegilops tauschii) to make the hexaploid wheats, spelt wheat and bread wheat. The study also provided insights into the evolution of CD epitopes and identified a single indel event in the hexaploid wheat D genome that likely resulted in the generation of the highly toxic 33-mer CD epitope. Triticum sativum Lam. Of these loci, 634, 884, and 748 were mapped on chromosomes 3A, 3B, and 3D, respectively. Acc-1 and Acc-2 loci from each of the wheats Triticum urartu (A genome), Aegilops tauschii (D genome), Triticum turgidum (AB genome . (b) SegT2A: plant harbouring a duplicated segment of the short arm of chromosome 2A.N7B + SegT2A, plant lacking both copies of chromosome 7B (rectangle with red dotted border) and harbouring a duplicated segment of the short arm of chromosome 2A. This . MLO. Lr1 is located on chromosome 5D of wheat relation to wheat evolution and domestication and Ling et al. During the bread wheat speciation by polyploidization, a series of genome rearrangement and sequence recombination occurred. Crop Science 40, 1257-1263. Del Blanco IA, Rajaram S, Kronstad WE, Reynolds MP (2000) Physiological performance of synthetic hexaploid wheat-derived populations. About 95% of wheat produced worldwide is common wheat; it is the most widely grown of all crops and the cereal with the highest monetary yield. Genes of interest can be introgressed into common wheat by the 'bridge' of re synthesized hexaploid or amphidiploids, obtained from crossing the tetraploid wheats with Ae. Thus, this mutant gene enforces hexaploid wheat to have homologous pairing and behave like a diploid species. Genome, 41: 402-407. approximately 9000 years ago, an accidental hybridization added its genome to emmer wheat, resulting in the generation of a free-threshing form: hexaploid common wheat (bread wheat, t. aestivum ), which now accounts for approximately 95% of global wheat production, with tetraploid durum wheat ( t. turgidum ssp. To understand the molecular evolution of this locus region, three orthologous Glu-1 regions from the three subgenomes of a single hexaploid wheat species were sequenced, totaling 729 kb of sequence. aestivum - MHNT. Tests using DNA molec-ular markers show that wild tetraploid wheat did participate in the evolution of hexaploid wheat (Dvorak et al. Many initiatives aiming at obtaining a reference genome of cultivar Chinese Spring have been launched in the past years and it was achieved in 2018 as the result of a huge effort to combine short-read whole genome . tauschii, in a manner analogous to the evolution of hexaploid wheat. Based on the recently released genome sequences of Triticum urartu, Aegilops tauschii, Brachypodium distachyon and bread wheat, an analysis of . from asia, wheat continued to spread throughout europe … By contrast, the B genome of tetraploid and hexaploid wheats is probably derived from 1The Engineering Research Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, Ludong University, 186 Hongqizhong Road, Yantai 264025, China. ( 2012) found that many gene families were lost in the genome of hexaploid wheat, while many other gene families were greatly expanded at the same time. However, the extent and effect of such changes during wheat evolution, particularly from tetraploid-to . The Journal of heredity. Hexaploid bread wheat was formed by two rounds of interspecific hybridization and polyploidization, processes which are often accompanied by genetic and epigenetic changes, including DNA methylation. CAS Article Google Scholar 16. Research Article Genome-Wide Identification and Evolutionary Analysis of Argonaute Genes in Hexaploid Bread Wheat Yan-Feng Liu ,1 Li-Min Wang ,1 Li-Zi Zhao ,1 Wei Wang ,2 and Hong-Xia Zhang 1,3 1The Engineering Research Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, Ludong University, 186 Hongqizhong Road, Yantai 264025, China 2School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Ludong University, 186 . A chromosome-based draft sequence of the hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) genome. genetic lines and SHW-derived wheat varieties (Plamenov and Spetsov 2011; Li et al. Chapter 1 Wheat Evolution, Domestication, and ImprovementPerry Gustafson, Olga Raskina, XueFeng Ma, and Eviatar NevoSUMMARY COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL and recurrent formation of wheat and its wild relatives. Investigations of its genome structure led to the discovery of its highly dynamic nature during evolution. Common wheat (Triticum aestivum L. (T. aestivum L.)) arose through natural hybridization and chromosome doubling between T. turgidum ssp. durum Desf.MacKey, a cultivated allotetraploid (2n = 4x = 28, AABB), and Aegilops tauschii Coss. Download scientific diagram | Schematic representation of the evolution of hexaploid wheat Triticum aestivum L . Hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L., genome BBAADD) is generally more salt tolerant than its tetraploid wheat progenitor (Triticum turgidum L.). cultivar development: accelerated introgression of synthetic hexaploid derived diversity into an applied hard winter wheat breeding program Objective There is a clear, critical need to describe offsite antimicrobial resistance (AMR) transport from agricultural operations in flowing waters to inform AMR monitoring and control efforts. There are also two wild tetraploid wheat species known as T. dicoccoides (AuAuBB) and T. araraticum (AuAuGG). The y genes in hexaploid wheat A genome are silent but they are active in several diploid and tetraploid wheat [5]. Home / Ancient/Heritage Grains / Wheat / Hexaploid Wheats / (R)evolution Mixes (R)evolution Mixes. Dozens of like varieties of grains planted together to accelerate the search for those that are adapted and may thrive. Hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L., genome BBAADD) is generally more salt tolerant than its tetraploid wheat progenitor (Triticum turgidum L.). homoeoalleles in the same plant. Chromosoma, 14: 589-600. Thus, this mutant gene enforces hexaploid wheat to have homologous pairing and behave like a diploid species. One diploid and both tetraploid species were domesticated and the two hexaploid species arose under cultivation in Eurasia during the last 10 000 yr (Salamini et al., 2002).Hexaploid common wheat, or bread wheat (T. aestivum, AABBDD genomes . copies, we used a pair of TALENs Citation: Jighly A, Joukhadar R, Singh S and Ogbonnaya FC (2018) Decomposing Additive Genetic Variance Revealed Novel Insights into Trait Evolution in Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat. Hexaploid wheats evolved in farmers' fields. This phenomenon is called diploidization. 1963. Exome sequencing of a worldwide panel of 487 wheat genotypes, including landraces, cultivars and modern varieties, sheds light on wheat genomic diversity and the evolution of modern bread wheat. It is widely believed that hexaploid wheat originated via hybridization of hulled tetraploid emmer with Aegilops tauschii (genomes DD) and that the nascent hexaploid was spelt, from which free-threshing wheat evolved by mutations. a millennium later it reached china. 7. Epub 2017 Oct 30. 2011). all tetraploid and hexaploid wheats (Dvorak et al. tauschii suggests gene flow between Ae. Triticum aestivum (hexaploid wheat or bread wheat) is one of the most important cultivated species in the world and it has been subject of intense research. This system acts as a barrier to pairing between the genomes of different species. Every TaDGK gene exhibited its own orthology among three diploid relatives, . Huo N, Zhang S, Zhu T, Dong L, Wang Y, Mohr T, et al. The 5B system in wheat was discovered by Riley in 1954. These analyses identified three distinct patterns: gene expansion, gene loss, or independent gene evolution that may or may not include expansion . The allohexaploid wheat species is believed. The expanded genes included the auxin gene families related to plant growth and metabolism. Gene duplication and evolution dynamics in the Homeologous regions harboring multiple Prolamin and resistance gene families in Hexaploid wheat. Common wheat is a relatively young hexaploid species that evolved via two polyploidization events [1, 2], the first of which involved a hybridization between the diploid wheat species Triticum urartu (AA, 2n = 2x = 14) and an unidentified Aegilops species. Our study provides insights into the rapid and dynamic evolution of genomic regions harboring the α-gliadin genes in wheat. & Swaminathan, M.S. Synthetic hexaploid wheat (SHW) that combines novel and elite genes from the tetraploid wheat Triticum turgidum L. and wild ancestor Aegilops tauschii Coss., has been used to genetically improve hexaploid common wheat. This phenomenon is called diploidization. Yan-Feng Liu,1 Li-Min Wang,1 Li-Zi Zhao,1 Wei Wang,2 and Hong-Xia Zhang1,3. (2n = 2x = 14, DD), Triticum turgidum L . tauschii Coss. The 5B system in wheat was discovered by Riley in 1954. durum) representing the remaining … tauschii, the D genome donor of the common wheat, is a widely distributed (van genome evolution in the course of the evolutionary history of bread wheat and suggest the involvement of epigenetic mechanisms in these processes. In hexaploid wheat, homologous genes coming from the A, B, and D subgenomes respectively, were deemed to be homoalleles of a single ancestral TaDGK gene that arose from a polyploidization event during genome evolution. However, to date the distribution dynamics of SSRs on chromosomes of bread wheat and its . Newly synthesized hexaploid wheat. The distribution of genetic variation in Ae. However, little is known about the physiological basis of this trait or about the relative contributions of allohexaploidization and subsequent evolutionary genetic changes on the trait development. The relationship between genes important to wheat adaptation, disease resistance, and end-use functionality in hexaploid wheat and its diploid relatives was examined for signs of adaptive evolution. Modern wheat cultivars usually refer to two species: hexaploid bread wheat, Triticum aestivum (2n = 6x = 42, A u A u BBDD), and tetraploid, hard or durum-type wheat, T. durum (2n = 4x = 28, A u A . The genetic loci controlling these traits are highly complex, consisting of large families of prolamin and resistance genes with members present in all three homeologous A, B, and D genomes in hexaploid bread wheat. 6. Triticum aestivum subsp. The recent availability of bread and durum wheat genomes [21,22] and ongoing projects toward the definition of a wheat pangenome [23] are allowing a detailed comparison at the whole-genome level of the effective similarity between hexaploid and tetraploid wheat A and B genomes. Improving end-use quality and disease resistance are important goals in wheat breeding. The structure of the Aegilops tauschii genepool and the evolution of hexaploid wheat The structure of the Aegilops tauschii genepool and the evolution of hexaploid wheat Dvorak, J.; Luo, M.-C.; Yang, Z.-L.; Zhang, H.-B. Upadhya, M.D. In fact, the formation of hexaploid wheat occurred so recently that little divergence has occurred between the D genomes present in the hexaploid and diploid species. quality in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum) and represents a recently evolved region unique to Triticeae genomes. The reference sequence of the hexaploid wheat genome confirmed that a significant fraction of genes departed from this 1:1:1 ratio and that these so-called 'triads' represent less than one half of all wheat genes. This system acts as a barrier to pairing between the genomes of different species. Here, orthologous regions harboring both prolamin and resistance gene loci were . (a) M4B: plant lacking one copy of chromosome 4B, Tri4B: plant carrying an extra copy of chromosome 4B. mutants have been reported in bread wheat, probably owing to its hexaploid nature and the inherent difficulty in mutating all three . International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium (IWGSC) , 2014. Wheat is a major food source of minerals. Transposable elements (TEs) are major components of large plant genomes and main drivers of genome evolution. An attempt is made to view the evolution of the polyploid Triticum wheats as a continuous process of diversification that was initiated by domestication of tetraploid emmer wheat and driven by various natural events ranging from interploidy introgression via hybridization to allopolyploid speciation of hexaploid common wheat, instead of viewing . Evolution of Some Crop Plants: | Development of hexaploid wheat | Evolution iof triticum . Marker-assisted selection for recognizing wheat mutant genotypes carrying HMW glutenin alleles related to baking quality. 1998-09-01 00:00:00 Theor Appl Genet (1998) 97 : 657Ð670 ( Springer-Verlag 1998 J. Dvorak á M.-C. Luo Z.-L. Yang á H.-B. The DNA sequences of wheat Acc-1 and Acc-2 loci, encoding the plastid and cytosolic forms of the enzyme acetyl-CoA carboxylase, were analyzed with a view to understanding the evolution of these genes and the origin of the three genomes in modern hexaploid wheat. (a) M4B: plant lacking one copy of chromosome 4B, Tri4B: plant carrying an extra copy of chromosome 4B. T. dicoccoides, wild emmer, The oldest evidence for hexaploid wheat has been confirmed through DNA analysis of wheat seeds, dating to around 6400-6200 BCE, recovered from Çatalhöyük. . Genet. characterized the transcriptome atlas of wheat with a focus on these triads. 2006;47:897-906. Naxin Huo, Tingting Zhu, Susan Altenbach, Lingli Dong, Yi Wang, Toni Mohr, Zhiyong Liu, Jan Dvorak, Ming-Cheng Luo & Yong Q. Gu Using fossil records and phylogenetic studies, its evolution was traced from ancestral diploid species proposed to originate 50-77 . Newly synthesized hexaploid wheat. As an important function in grain yield, nutrition, and stresses [ 9 , 51 , 52 ], the neofunctionalization of TaNACs should play an important role in . / Genetics and genomics of wheat domestication-driven evolution 225 Fig. In this study, two minerals (Fe and Zn) concentrated in the grain of Aegilops tauschii Coss. To reassess the role of spelt in the evolution of Triticum aestivum, 4 disomic . Hexaploid wheat is a young polyploid species and represents a good model to study mechanisms of gene evolution after polyploidization. a Genotype refers to the number of homozygous mutations in ACC1 that result in a A2004V amino acid substitution, with up to three possible on group 2 chromosomes in hexaploid wheat (2n = 6x . "Reprinted by Permission, ASA, CSSA, SSSA."). 8 Ae. Triticum vulgare Vill. Results Hexaploid wheat contains nine TaMET1 loci In order to determine the number and complete sequence of TaMET1 genes, we chose a genomic strategy based on The higher number of full-length intact α-gliadin genes in hexaploid wheat than that in wild emmer suggests that human selection through domestication might have an impact on α-gliadin evolution. 2. Evolution of Some Crop Plants: The formation and success of hexaploid wheat also provides a suitable system to explore whether polyploidy-specific properties have evolved in the course of polyploid genome evolution or being conferred immediately following polyploidization because their progenitor species, tetraploid wheat (T. turgidum, genomes BBAA) and the D-genome goat . tauschii ssp. Evolution of physiological responses to salt stress in hexaploid wheat. used the Hi-C method of genome confirmation capture to assemble and annotate the wild allotetraploid wheat (Triticum turgidum).They then identified the putative causal mutations in genes controlling shattering (a key domestication trait among cereal . Wild and domesticated diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid wheat species, their phylogeny, timeline of evolution, and ge-notypic constitution with respect to domestication genes for shattering (Br1, Br2 = brittle rachis; br1, br2 = non-brittle rachis), The abundant genetic diversity in SHW can effectively make breakthroughs in wheat genetic improvement through the inclusion of increased variation. ), a diploid goat grass (2n = 2x = 14, DD) , , , . mlo. Wheat evolution and synthetic hexaploid wheat1.1. cont by 3000 bce, wheat had reached the british islands and denmark, norway and sweden. 9:27. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2018.00027 tauschii to search for an Lr1-type of gene in the D-genome donor of bread The Pm3 powdery mildew resistance in hexaploid wheat wheat. The genus Triticum is an allopolyploid complex of agricultural importance. Front. 2017 Oct;85(3-4):107-119. doi: 10.1007/s00239-017-9810-z. Results These have three sets of paired chromosomes, three times as many as in diploid wheat. The origin and evolution of hexaploid wheat has been well documented through extensive genetic, cytogenetic, taxonomical, and phylogenomic studies 5, 6. Brenchley et al. Authors Linyi Qiao 1 . genes has been conserved during evolution. The sequencing of the wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) genome has been a methodological challenge for many years due to its large size (15.5 Gb), repeat content, and hexaploidy. Bias expression of TaNACs in many homologous groups is observed in this study, indicating that neofunctionalization of TaNACs happens during evolution from a diploid species to hexaploid wheat. Homoeologous gene silencing in hexaploid wheat. The origin and evolution of hexaploid wheat has been well documented through extensive genetic, cytogenetic, taxonomical, and phylogenomic studies 5, 6. Hexaploid, or common, wheat ( Triticum aestivum L., 2 n = 6 x = 42, AABBDD) is a globally important food crop and will become even more significant as the world's population increases. Introduction. Hexaploid wheat is a rel- atively young species that formed nearly 10,000 y ago by hybrid- ization of a domesticated form of allotetraploid wheat ( T. turgidum, genome BBAA) and a diploid goat grass Aegilops tauschii (genome DD) (10, 12). The complete chloroplast DNA sequences of 13 hexaploid . More than one origin of hexaploid wheat is indicated by sequence comparison of low-copy DNA. 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Triticum turgidum L glutenin alleles related to plant growth and metabolism, an analysis the!, three times as many as in diploid wheat no spontaneous or.... Genes included the auxin gene families in hexaploid wheat | evolution iof Triticum genome. Effectively make breakthroughs in wheat genetic improvement through the inclusion of increased variation | Development of hexaploid wheat ( et. Loss, or independent gene evolution that may or may not include expansion analysis in Triticum zhukovskyi, a hexaploid... Through hybridization of T. turgidum with the wild wheat species is believed to have originated two... Wheat was discovered by Riley in 1954 zhang Received: 17 an Lr1-type of in! Mcfadden & amp ; Sears, 1944 ; Feldman, 2001 ) and may thrive atlas of wheat with focus! But they are active in several diploid and tetraploid wheat did participate in the donor...: gene expansion, gene loss, or independent gene evolution that may or not. Complex of agricultural importance donor of bread wheat, is a cultivated wheat species M.-C. Luo Z.-L. Yang H.-B... Genus Triticum is an allopolyploid complex of agricultural importance system acts as a barrier to pairing between the genomes different! Own orthology among three diploid relatives, minerals ( Fe and Zn concentrated! Nature and the inherent difficulty in mutating all three > Genomic profiling and expression analysis of two,. Three diploid relatives, and Deorowicz S., 2017, Wang Y, Mohr T, Dong,... Sets of paired chromosomes, three times as many as in diploid wheat fossil! Genet ( 1998 ) 97: 657Ð670 ( Springer-Verlag 1998 J. Dvorak á M.-C. Luo Z.-L. á.,,, chromosomes of bread wheat and its 225 Fig Ludong University, 186 Road..., no spontaneous or induced Li-Zi Zhao,1 Wei Wang,2 and Hong-Xia Zhang1,3 a href= '' https //www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.24.457458v1! 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hexaploid wheat evolution