difference between shifting cultivation and taungya system

recorded were higher in most of the Taungya sites compared to natural regrowth forest. Taungya system in Indo-Burma region The Taungya system ( Figure 3 ) is basically an organized and systematically managed shifting cultivation. Taungya is the method of employing shifting cultivators to raise forest trees. Then the ashes are mixed with the soil and seeds are broadcast. Definition: Taungya System is a form of agroforestry system in which short-term crops are grown in the early years of the plantation of a woody perennials species to utilize the land, control weeds, reduce establishment costs, generate early income, and stimulate the development of the woody perennials species.. Shifting cultivation is a mode of farming long followed in the humid tropics of Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and South America. Taungya farming is a special arrangement between the forestry department and farmers, which combines the production of both arable and forest tree cops simultaneously on a piece of land.The practice was adopted inVandeikya Local Government Area of Benue State Nigeria in mid 1950s up to 2000. Thus now shifting cultivation has become source of ecological degradation, soil erosion and converting good forests into wastelands. In particular, the conservation of soil organic matter (SOM) is fundamental to What is autopolyploidy ? Taungya is a Bamar4 word- Taung (hill) and ya (farm). sential difference between swidden and taungya nevertheless still holds. An important further feature of taungya is the planting of a preferred species of timber tree that develops to maturity Shifting cultivation Taungya system Fig. Shifting cultivation (or "slash-and-burn," swidden) systems are characterized by alternated phases of cropping and fallowing, with the length of the fallow period exceeding greatly the length of the cropping period. Shifting cultivation is an agricultural system in which a person uses a piece of land, only to abandon or alter the initial use a short time later. shifting cultivation, forest fires e.t.c) and animal consumption including man. Parameter Mean yield per/ha (Kg) t-cal t-tab Df P Yam (Dried chips) Taungya Non-taungya 1223.33 1075.00 2.45* 0.26 10 0.0342 Cassava (Dried Chips) Taungya Non-taungya 1698.33 1372.67 9.83* 0.26 10 0.0000 Rice (unmilled) Taungya Non-taungya 1155.00 iii. This system often involves clearing of a piece of land followed by several years of wood harvesting or farming until the soil loses fertility. DATA COLLECTION . The period of cultivation is usually terminated when the soil shows signs of exhaustion or, more commonly, when the field is overrun by weeds. This causes shortening of fallow periods in shifting cultivation cycles and results in . Schematic process of taungya system and shifting cultivation. Shifting cultivation. A. Agrisilvicultural system Shifting cultivation Taungya Homegardens Plantation based cropping systems Scattered trees on farm lands Shelterbelts and wind breaks Boundary plantations and live hedge Woodlots for soil conservation Trees on rangelands Plantation crops with pastures The soil texture of all sites, except Owo Taungya were sandy clay loam at the two soil depths. Agroforestry pathways: Land tenure, shifting cultivation and sustainable agriculture. Under the high demand for land, the system of shifting cultivation which has been practised from time immemorial can no longer support the needs of farmers in Nigeria. Improved agricultural practices such as line planting and fertilizer application to crops have been suggested in some shifting-cultivation area; but these are seldom adopted by farmers. their knowledge of shifting cultivation and to incorporate their valuable experience in carrying out developmental programme. In this study,eight study plots (comprising of four plots from each . The length of agricultural cycle last only as long as the soil sustain reasonal crop yield . Post Answer and Earn Credit Points Improved fallow species in shifting cultivation; The Taungya system; Multispecies tree gardens The correct answer is taungya cultivation. The Taungya system The taungya system originated in the mountainous borderlands between China and the rest of mainland Southeast Asia. It is a system in which arable crops are cultivated on the same piece of land in between rows of young forest trees thus ensuring the optimum utilization of free and fertile forest land and at the same time checking hazards such as degradation of farm land and increased infestation by weeds associated with traditional shifting cultivation [10]. The forest which is the result of a taungya system is a plantation of one or more Main objective is to produce crops 1. to grow trees 2. it is sequential system of growing woody species and agricultural crops 2. it is a simultaneous system 3. Shifting cultivation has been condemned as destructive and frequently has been seen as the work of ignorant people, Main objective is to produce crops 1. to grow trees 2. it is sequential system of growing woody species and agricultural crops 2. it is a simultaneous system 3. In […] The taungya system has spread worldwide and is usually institutionalized and in-stigated by forestry departments which permit smallhold-er farmers to crop between trees, saving on the labor cost ofweedingtheplantation.Whilethesystemhaspersisted, it has been severely criticized by some as being exploitational [24]. To grow trees It is sequential system of growing woody species and agricultural crops. Shifting cultivation. It is a simultaneous system. This system often involves clearing of a piece of land followed by several years of wood harvesting or farming until the soil loses fertility. This planting is done before the trees grow to maturity. Shifting cultivation is an agricultural system in which a person uses a piece of land, only to abandon or alter the initial use a short time later. Once the fertility is exhausted, the clearing is abandoned and they move on to a new plot. It is practiced in Kerala, West Bangal, U.P., and to lesser extent in Tamil Nadu, A. P. Orissa and the north eastern hill regions. In cases where these workers are inexperienced farmers, it is understandable if agricultural crop yields are low. This is a system of farming in which a farmer plants forest trees and food crops like maize, cassava, vegetable, pepper etc on the same piece of land. Hundred percent of Dai people earn their lives by practicing shifting cultivation. them have been developed from shifting cultivation systems, with slash and burn practices associated to a taungya-like scheme for tree plantation establishment. Though some research has been made, gaps between researchers and the user's group have led the development of agro-forestry backward. J.B. Raintree works for the International Council on Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) in Nairobi.This article is based on a paper he presented to the International Consultative Workshop on Tenure Issues in Agroforestry sponsored by the Ford Foundation in Nairobi 27-31 May 1985. 14 Jan 2017. This system often involves clearing of a piece of land followed by several years of wood harvesting or farming until the soil loses fertility. Differences between shifting cultivation and land rotation or bush fallowing: Shifting cultivation is a farming system whereby a piece of land is cultivated continuously for some years and then abandoned as a result of the decline in soil fertility, build-up of pests and diseases, and the resultant reduction in crop yield. As a result of this, the different agroforestry practices have received increased attention. In a general sense, the . It examines the early history of Taungya in today's Edo State, situated in the overall project of scientific forestry in southern Nigeria, and asks whether the Taungya system, when practised properly, really was the Shifting cultivation is an agricultural system in which plots of land are cultivated temporarily, then abandoned while post-disturbance fallow vegetation is allowed to freely grow while the cultivator moves on to another plot. Simple tools are used. 4) Plantation-crop combination, and 5) Various intercropping systems. The word is reported to have originated in Myanmar (Burma) and 'tauang' means hill, 'ya' means cultivation i.e. Shifting cultivation is an agricultural system in which plots of land are cultivated temporarily, then abandoned while post-disturbance fallow vegetation is allowed to freely grow while the cultivator moves on to another plot. Due to these gaps, some traditional agroforestry practices like shifting cultivation, taungya system has been a failure in several parts of Nepal. It is practised in the states of Kerala, West To identify shifting cultivation plots, the area, shape, and chronological change in plant cover were taken into consideration. What are examples of nurse crops? of taungya life (third or fifth year), the young tree canopy is deemed to cast too much shade for the normal growth of agricultural crops [17] and so the cultivation of crops is stopped. Shifting cultivatio n is an agricultural system in which plots of land are . FAO (1957) has labeled shifting cultivation as the most serious land..use problem in the tropical world. Difference Between Shifting cultivation and Taungya System Shifting Cultivation Taungya System Main objective is to produce crops. What is the difference between Taungya farming and ley farming? Detailed Solution. The dominant perspective is that shifting cultivation is a wasteful and ecologically dysfunctional system, detrimental to forests and soil, and hence needs to be eradicated by inducing . Taungya is a system originating in Burma. The native . Utkarsh Kumar 5 years, 1 month ago. such as alley-cropping, taungya farming, shifting cultivation, low-tillage farming, resulted in productivity increases of 59 to 179 per cent, and for every 10 per cent increase in farm yields, there is a 7 per cent reduction in poverty in Africa; and more than 5 per cent in Asia (Pretty et al., 2006). Ore Taungya site was significantly higher (P < 0.05) Request PDF | Multipurpose Trees (MPTs) and Other Agroforestry Species | The multipurpose tree (MPT) is a term that is used almost exclusively in tropical agroforestry. In the practice of "slash and burn", farmers would cut the native vegetation and burn it, then plant crops in the exposed, ash-fertilized soil for two or three seasons in succession. Hence the shifting cultivation is the best and the first way of the changing of the soil from the mind of the fertility of the soil in term of the growth of the crops in the cultivation method. Shifting cultivation, another form of mountain agriculture, is prevalent in five countries of the eastern HKH region. Description: "Shifting cultivation, locally called ?Jhum?, is a widely practiced system of crop cultivation among the indigenous communities of Northeast India. The taungya system was introduced into India by Brandis in 1890 and the first taungya plantations were raised in 1896 in North Bengal. a century. Based on the nature of the components this system can be grouped into various forms. This is a modified term of shifting cultivation in which labor is permitted to . However, this system did not control effectively shifting cultivation, and cultivators continued clearing forests for cultivation without regarding the rules. After a couple of years, the patch of the land is left fallow and the farmer moves on in search of a new patch . The taungya method spread from Burma to other parts of word .It was introduced into South Asia as early as 1887, 1890 in . This system involves the conscious and deliberate use of land for the concurrent production of agricultural crops including tree crops and forest crops. Taungya reforestation can be considered a step in the transformation from shifting cultivation to agroforestry (Preeyagrysorn, 1992). How do shifting cultivation and taungya system of cultivation contribute to it ? It taungya is a system whereby villagers and sometimes forest plantation workers are . The taungya system was first devised by Dr. DIETRICH BRANDIS, an early German botanist-turned-forester in Myanmar, in the mid 1800s after he observed the taungya of the Karen hill people. The taungya (taung = hill, ya = cultivation) is a Burmese word coined in Burma in 1850.This is a modified form of shifting cultivation in which the labour is permitted to raise agri-crops in an area but only side by side with the forest species planted by it. (i) Shifting Cultivation: In shifting cultivation, a small patch of land is cleared by felling the trees and burning them. Cultivation is often allowed to continue until trees shade crops due to canopy closure. Shifting Cultivation, also known as slash­-and­burn agriculture, is when farmers clear land by slashing vegetation and burning forests and woodlands to create clear land for agricultural purposes. The length of agricultural cycle last only as long as the . Continue reading. (iii) Ley farming: This is the cultivation of food crops with pasture crops. ii. Difference between shifting cultivation and taungya system: Shifting cultivation Taungya system 1. What is shifting cultivation? Agroforestry. Shifting cultivation, in contrast, does not cause deforestation and maintains relatively high carbon stocks compared to these other types of agriculture. The soil pH ranged from 5.3 to 7.1 for the top soil and from 4.0 to 7.0 for the sub soil. Often, the poorest of the poor people from ethnic societies depend on shifting cultivation. The seed bank is . The length of agricultural cycle last only as long as the soil sustain reasonable crop . Answer: In shifting cultivation, parts of the forest are cut and burnt in rotation. TAUNGYA SYSTEM The 'Taungya' is a Burmese word, consisting of 'Taung' means hill and 'ya' means cultivation i.e. b) Taungya System of cultivation: The taungya (taung = hill, ya = cultivation) is a Burmese word coined in Burma in 1850. Developed with either fruit species, local forest species providing timber and other commercial products (rattans, resins, This diversification of the farming system initiates an agroecological succession, like that in natural ecosystems, and so starts a chain of events that enhance the functionality and sustainability of the farming system. Crop Rotation: This is the growing of crops on the same piece of land following a particular arrangement of the crops. Linda Christanty . In the initial stages of an orchard or tree plantation, trees are small and widely spaced. Taungya and Shifting Cultivation System in Nepal: The taungya (taung = hill, ya= cultivation) is a Burmese word coined in Burma in the 1950s but it is believed that the system is much older having originated in China. cultivation in the hills. (ii) Primitive method used with no investment. […] It is practiced in Kerala, West Bangal, U.P., and to lesser extent in Tamil Nadu, A. P. Orissa and the north eastern hill regions. The food crops are planted at the space between trees. In this regard, taungya fits well into the concept of multiple land use by preventing the most serious consequences of shifting cultivation. hill cultivation. While it is generally contested as a destructive method of farming, it is also argued that the system lends itself as much more than just a farming practice. 10 Feb 2017 by Tahir malik. Low technology system: the technology used in this system is primitive as n shifting cultivation. Taungya is also the term originally used for a shifting field of shifting cultivation in Burma (Blanford 1925). Solutions to the defects of shifting cultivation as a form of extensive agriculture have been provided by the system known as taungya-combined production of forestry and agricultural crops on forest lands. In the starting period of the time, the system of cultivation is firstly used in the system as the regular bases that are at the hill areas of Africa . Shifting Cultivation: This involves growing of crops in one area for two or three years and then move to another area to farm. In addition to field data, shifting cultivation plots were extracted from each corresponding satellite image using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) (Ne Win 2008) and used for training sites. , posted in Agroforestry, alley cropping, taungya system and shifting cultivation. Taungya System Taungya is Burmas ward meaning hill cultivation, it was introduced into-India by Dr. Brandis in 1890 and the first Taungya plantation was raised in 1896 in north Bengal. Shifting Cultivation or Slash and Burn Cultivation. Photograph: Shifting cultivation in lowland humid tropics. Supporting sustainable shifting cultivation by recognizing customary land tenure would reduce carbon emissions as part of an equitable and effective REDD+ national strategy. Shifting Cultivation. King (1968) found that the system has been practiced for a long time and existed at some time in all the five continents. (ii) Taungya System: The taungya (taung = hill, ya = cultivation) is a Burmese word coined in Burma in 1850s. Seeds are sown in the ashes after the first monsoon rains, and the crop is harvested by October-November when the fertility of the land is over, the same practice is repeated at another location. The taungya system is defined as a In Burmese, it is known as ''Taungya" derived from the two words taung, a hill, and ya, cultivation. In order to reduce these conflicts between the Forest Department and shifting cultivators, a reforestation technique known as Taungya forestry was implemented in 1856. During the fallow phase, soil nutrients are restored to allow low-input farming during cropping phases. this system spread quickly and was introduced to India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Indonesia, and even to South Africa in the 1880-90s under the colonial governments (Troups, 1921). Under this system, teak is planted after the slashing and burning of forests, and farmers who plant teak trees can cultivate intercrops between the rows of teak for the first year after the es- 3 Ñf"kokfudh fdls dgrs gSa \ LFkkukarjh tqrkbZ rFkk VkSaX;k iz.kkyh tqrkbZ dk blesa fdl izdkj ;ksxnku gksrk gS \ bu nks iz.kkfy;ksa esa D;k varj gS \ 19. Tribes cut the trees in a plot, burn them and cultivate the plot till the fertility is exhausted. Taungya system, one of the reforestation techniques by employing shifting cultivators or land hungers, was devised based on shifting cultivation practice. Table 1: T-test of differences between mean crop yields per/ha for taungya and non-taungya plots. • Shifting cultivation takes place when less than 33 % of land is cultivated in one year. What is the meaning of taungya farming? The new comprehensive editorial textbook "Agroforestry: Theory and Practices" by Dr.Antony Joseph Raj and Prof.S.B.Lal is a rich source of knowledge and practical information on agroforestry drawn from the scientific literature, databases and field experiences from all over world. The free space between the newly planted trees accommodates a seasonal crop. differences between the soil seed banks and standing vegetations were analyzed using Sorensen's . This system often involves clearing of a piece of land followed by several years of wood harvesting or farming until the soil loses fertility. Maize, beans, and other crops are planted between the rows. Shifting Cultivation and Tropical Soils: Patterns, Problems, and Possible Improvements . However, cultivation of crops between tree rows at the same time as The experiences obtained with shifting cultivation, homestead gardens, taungya, alley cropping and scattered farm tree methods including. A further difference between the two systems is that whereas individual taungya attracts mainly local farmers, departmental taungya may also attract people from other areas, and even from towns, who are in search of a wage. Intermediate technology system: This system s an intermediate between low and What was Taungya . cultivation fields could be extracted from JERS images taken between November and January by using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) as an . Additionally, under the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and The Forest Trust (TFT), local farmers around 18 villages in Luang Prabang province have learned better and responsible forestry practices [52] . Difference between shifting cultivation and bush fallowing cultivation. Taungya system is assumed to have originated in Southeast Asia because of the Burmese name. IAHS Publications 236:463-47 Difference between shifting cultivation and taungya system: Shifting cultivation Taungya system 1. Indigenous taungya systems, de- The system was introduced to India by Brandis in 1890 and the first taungya plantations . Taungya, which means hill (Taung) cultivation system, is reported to have started in Myanmar (Burma) (Blanford, 1958). Shifting cultivation is an agricultural system in which a person uses a piece of land, only to abandon or alter the initial use a short time later. This st. SINCE THE 1950S, shifting cultivation in north-east India has been trapped in a low-level and unstable equilibrium owing to two equally unviable paradigms that operate at the policy and institutional levels. Agroforestry is a land use management system in which trees or shrubs are grown around or among crops or pastureland. Answer: The taungya is a system whereby villagers and sometimes forest plantation workers are given the right to cultivate agricultural crops during the early stages of forest plantation establishment.

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difference between shifting cultivation and taungya system