cathode follower calculator

The output stage of the circuit is a Cathode Follower and is suitable to drive a low impedance amplifier. Note that the following stage must be protected against high voltages if a MOSFET is used, because the output will jump to the full supply voltage when . 12AU7 (ECC82) Cathode Follower Tube Preamplifier Schematic. The cathode follower then effectively multiplies or bootstraps the value of the lower anode resistor R2, making it look like a constant-current source. Re: Cathode Follower. The input to the grid comes through a 100pF cap. After voltage gain is applied, the signal then travels to the power tubes as well. Can that tone stack calculator program be "adapted" for D-style tone stack configurations?I realize it won't be completely accurate but if it could be reasonably accurate in how changing tone stack values impact the tone shaping then that would be useful to me. Sign in to check out. opens a installment calculator layer. The SRPP circuit has also been referred to as a SEPP, Totem Pole, Mu Follower, Mu amplifier and Cascoded Cathode Follower. This is achieved via N-Mosfet source follower replacing the cathode follower. 6DJ8 / ECC88 SRPP Tube Preamplifier Schematic. As explained previously, the cathode follower action of regulator triode 30 means that the potential on its cathode 34 and, hence, the potential on screen-grid 36 will change in phase with, and to an extent proportional to, the fluctuations on control grid 38. Designing the Gain Stage What does this calculator do? Only the ECC83 is modelised, but it covers all important aspects to simulate and design a gain stage. Cathode or self-bias linearizes the FET's operation. volume, like in a guitar) but how about a treble bleed cap between the "in". The cost of operation without the capacitor is a decrease in gain. follower in a True capicator microphone preamp. In the Duncan Tone Stack Calculator, there is a program for Vox amps where the tone stack is off a cathode follower. The output will be feeding a resistor network of a little less than 1K through a .001uF cap. The EQ needs to drain more power in order to work when the driving impedance is low. Cathode follower has a voltage gain of slightly less than 1, a low output resistance of about 1 KOhm, a high output resistance of about 500 MOhm, and is a non-inverting circuit. V = I * R .015 amps * 10,000 ohms = 150 volts Now if a positive change in the grid (making it less negative) allows another 5mA through the tube, what is the new voltage drop across the cathode resistor? Very HiFi sound stereo tube preamps for the 60's like the McIntosh C8, Marantz 7, Audio Research SP-2A and even the beloved Pultec tube EQ's use cathode output stages. 1 Megohms anode resistors are a bit impractical, and which again makes the Ia too low, so another idea, which was the subject of the above mentioned Wireless World article, is to use a cathode follower to multiply RL, the AC load as seen by the anode, but keeping Ra, the anode resistor DC resistance that provides the steady-state Ia, to a . Neumann wv2 eq + marantz7 cathode Follower = Low impedance EF804S+ECC83 TSD15. Audio Tube Calculators. Cathode follower has a voltage gain of slightly less than 1, a low output resistance of about 1 KOhm, a high output resistance of about 500 MOhm, and is a non-inverting circuit. (.005 amps + .015 amps) * 10,000 ohms = 200 volts In doing some reading, thinking and simulating (not yet tinkered), I have arrived at what I think might. My choices of source followers are shown in Fig. Cathode Follower. 2) Bill Putnam uses a cathode follower output stage in his LA2a compressor, Marshall use a cathode follower to drive the tone controls circuit in its tube amplifiers. This voltage swing will be roughly the same as the grid, but the current swing will be larger, ideal for the low impedance tone stack (meaning you loose lots of current to ground in it). The results update as new input values are entered ~ Values for g m r a and µ should be taken from the valve characteristics or . And it is capable of swinging positive and negative current swings into a load in excess of its idle current, making push-pull operation . The value of cathode bias resistor calculated from this data is 60 Ω (0.6 V / 10 mA) and a standard value of 56 Ω was actually used. The original name for this circuit is a Balanced . cathode follower-driven tone stacks just tend to have a better high-end sweep than anode-driven ones."Mid gutted" suggests to me that the tone stacks in question have a "slope resistor" value that's too high. Usually, we do not need to calculate the gain A v precisely, and the general cathode follower approximation of A v =μ/(μ+1) is perfectly adequate, but if the stage was to be used as the basis of a Sallen & Key filter, the rigorous calculation of gain might be needed. Cathode Follower ( calculate Load & Bias Resistor ) Heater elevation: It is very important not to exceed the maximum heater-to-cathode voltage. The cathode follower has very high input resistance, and low input capacitance because it does not suffer from the Miller effect. If the valve is a triode, and its µ is between 20 - 30, then the result of the impedance multiplying effect may be assumed to be Rgc x 10, since a cathode follower nearly always has a . The cathode follower denoted by the symbol (-t>l-) , is inserted between each consecutive flow resistance branch. The LND150 has plenty of gain to spare. You can improve the linearity even more by deleting the optional source bypass capacitor C2. So it is much better than taking the output signal from the anode with a voltage divider, right? The input to the grid comes through a 100pF cap. Since the cathode is at a high voltage it is often necessary to elevate the heater supply to ensure Also a 1 meg resistor connected to the grid is in series with a . An increasing in voltage input signal causes the plate current to rise, which increases the voltage across the cathode resistor, making the cathode more positive with respect to ground. The idea: To "re-purpose" V2 in that V2b (cathode follower) becomes the "added" gain stage between V1b and V2a. I searched online for info on good, but inexpensive, and ended up ordering some Sommer 300-0024 Tricone MkII Unbalanced Cable (Green). $164 for 24 months. Let's design a load line of a cathode follower based on 6922 tube. Some F*nd*r amps use a100k value for their classic mid scoop, while Marshalls typically use a 39k value to get their stronger mids. Input values can be changed to calculate other parameters like the cathode follower gain of V1 reduced by R1 by making µ2 -1 ~ For calculations of triode gain and follower output impedance this may be better ~ The default values are for two sections of an ECC81 both with Ia ≈ 1mA at V a = 170V and -Vbias = 360V ~ see valve . Yeah, what I noticed is that the "cathode resistor voltage drop" section of the calculator tends to overestimate the results, compared to the "plate current" section: for example (but there are others), using the "voltage drop" section, my Fender EC Vibro-Champ sits at 104.2% of dissipation, while using the "plate current" section (using my . Minimum purchase required. Cathode follower design (amp and modulator needed) I need a cathode follower circuit that can cover from 75KHz-16MHz using 1/2 of a 6SL7. Cathode Follower. Output impedance behaves like a series resistance. Here is an example of how to find the cathode bias voltage for a CCS current of 50ma and a B+ of 140V. 1). Rk = the cathode resistor Rl = the load resistance, or the input resistance of the next stage Ra = the total load resistance, which is Rp in parallel with the input resistance of the next stage, Rl. In practice, the PC boards were crap and the tubes ran at max dissipation mounted horizontally so failures were common. The cost of operation without the capacitor is a decrease in gain. Hi Brian, Last question first - You would require all the bits for a Pre3 CF plus a PSU of some sort and the necessary interconnecting cables. Location: Ashen- Essex/Suffolk bord. The triode follower differs from the other configutations in that it has a gain less than one, even without load and with a current source. If the valve is a triode, and its µ is between 20 - 30, then the result of the impedance multiplying effect may be assumed to be Rgc x 10, since a cathode follower nearly always has a . The cathode follower, according my calculations, should gain something less than 1. Recommended 800x600 or better. Playing around with Duncan's Tone Stack Calculator, it seems like the reduced impedance from the cathode follower would give a tad more bass and a little more signal overall, but not much. If you implemented it thusly: Vpp= 330Vdc Vpkq= 140Vdc Ipkq= 4.0mA Rtail= 47K r(p)= 10.5K g(m)= 1.4mA/V You could easily calculate a Zo= ~647R Given that Zo, you might think you could drive a set of 600R headphones with this cathode follower. Common-Cathode Stage, un bypassed. Cathode or self-bias linearizes the FET's operation. Display: 640 x 480 or greater, with 16 colour capability, as a minimum. Driving a pair of 833A modulators in class B as found in the BC-1G/H is a tall order for a pair of 807's, even as cathode followers. Also a 1 meg resistor connected to the grid is in series with a . The gain of the second voltage amplifier made of two E80L's is 105 times. The Plate voltage is 105. regulated at ~3mA, the grid cap is .01uF@630VDC (its what I had on hand) the. 5) with the common 820 R you have 2 lots of the impedance looking into the cathodes so the effective impedance is 820 parallel 625 Ohms parallel 625 Ohms = 226 Ohms. Check out as guest. This is a cathode follower in most common amp designs. (5) Basically, the circuit is an extension of Fig. 27 August 2011. The circuit in 16a is a JFET version of the tube White cathode follower. It's a cathode bias together with a cathode follower together! Brains & Brawn Cathode Follower. 15c, in that the follower is fed with a constant-current source, but in addition the drain current of the current source is modulated by the AC signal. A cathode follower (or a high voltage MOSFET source follower) should be used to ensure the output impedance is low enough to drive the external amplifier and the interconnect lead capacitance. Pease was killed in an auto accident (ironically and sadly enough) while leaving a memorial service for Williams, who died Sunday, June 12. This technique is generally referred as cathode bias or self-bias. Cathode Follower Output Impedance Calculator Power Amps Circuits. And it does provide gain, making the voltage amplifier answer partially right. The item you've selected was not added to your cart. leg of the pot and the wiper. The good thing is that there is a 'dirty fix'. \$\begingroup\$ For a one - off the practical consequence is that you may have to select the plate load resistor, especially on the second stage. This is done by splitting the previous stage's anode resistor into two equal parts and connecting a capacitor from the cathode follower's cathode, to the junction of the two resistors [see right]. There is grid current on the grid of the CF, which also affects the plate voltage of the cathode bias gain stage. Two analog-electronic giants died last June. To allow a reasonable signal swing, it was decided to set the cathode potential at + 10 V; thus R3 would need to be about 1kΩ in value. The Valve Wizard site has an interesting article on what else the cathode follower might contribute to the tone. We need to begin with the concept of "cathode degeneration," which is a normal part of tube operation, but can be seen as an unwanted byproduct -- it is also a form of "negative feedback." . Rcathode = 250V = 25mA x Rcathode Rcathode = 250V / 25mA = 10KOhm. The cathode follower is normally used as a buffer between a one bit of circuit and another, so the second one does not cause loss of gain or increased distortion by loading down the first one. The Cathode Follower-citance is in the same proportion; so we have t or about 0.4f'f'F. Cga is its normal IOf'f'F, so the total is 1O.4f'f'F. With a little care regarding Cga, this figure could be improved upon. the old. You can improve the linearity even more by deleting the optional source bypass capacitor C2. 1. The output impedance of the carhode follower forms (you guessed it) a voltage divider with the EQ. Last Modified: 5 Jun 2012 T he above shows a cathode-follower type phase-splitter where the input impedance (Rin) is that of Rgc multiplied by >=10, by virtue of its other end being connected to the cathode. Can keep existing Vol control/input selector. Note that after a cathode follower the slope resistor is usually 33K - 56K; plate driven usually about 100K - 150K. Processor: Minimum 486, recommended Pentium or better. The gain of the EL34 cathode followers is 0,94 times, being a cathode follower. This Calculator is to support my Amplifier-Buffer project and can be used to calculate the gain of a triode amplifier using a common cathode gain stage with a cathode follower output buffer so the overall gain is not significantly affected by the output load. The calculator calculates a cathode follower's unloaded voltage gain (the gain without being connected to the next stage) and output impedance based on the triode's characteristics and the cathode resistor value. 100V on this graph, with a cathode bias of 40V, is 140V B+ and 100V plate-to-cathode voltage). A steeper load line will be chosen for the cathode follower stage in order to obtain higher output current. Phase Inverter Bass Response Calculator Long-Tailed-Pair Balance Calculator Paraphase Inverter Resistor Calculator LTP Negative Feedback Calculator Cathode Impedance Calculator Grid Bias Excursion Calculator More specifically said the gain is reduced by the portion of the input voltage divided by µ. The output will be feeding a resistor network of a little less than 1K through a .001uF cap. How to calculate the source resistor. Cathode follower design (amp and modulator needed) I need a cathode follower circuit that can cover from 75KHz-16MHz using 1/2 of a 6SL7. A cathode follower has a very low output impedance. Design for a cathode follower. I guess distortion isn't a huge concern, but you may not be able to get enough volume if the bias is really off. It also supplies a near constant current flow shared between the two cathodes--as current increases through the upper cathode the current decreases through the lower and vice versa. Note that the same number of resistors is used in both circuits. The dc voltages on the tube are more or less as expected (25V on the plate, 0V on the grid and on the cathode. dude, the cat follower is better and to get some better ideas look at. This is one of many possible variations for a Symmetrical SRPP Preamplifier based around the 6DJ8 / ECC88 family of tubes. The LND150 has plenty of gain to spare. The FRCM-TO designation must, as stated above, always indicate the flow direction. my output capacitor is 4.4uF (2X 2.2uF) into a 3:1 transformer (other options. Output Impedance Grounded Cathode . Cathode Bypass Capacitor. Let's design a load line of a cathode follower based on 6922 tube. 2. The gain of the input transfer is two, but as this is split in to two , it equals 1 . Cathode resistor is 3.3K into 100K to Ground and the Grid leak resistor is 10M. I already tried to replace the valve with a different one. C gk To a good approximation, Av = μ / ( μ +1), so for an E88CC ( μ ≈32), Av =0.97, Cag =1.4 pF and Cgk =3.3 pF. are 7:1 and 10:1 on same transformer). Adding to your cart. Math: Zin = Rg / (1 - stage gain) Why: Really this is just interesting because it shows that cathode followers have super high input impedance. 1. It will set the maximum current consumption of the mosfet . Last Modified: 5 Jun 2012 T he above shows a cathode-follower type phase-splitter where the input impedance (Rin) is that of Rgc multiplied by >=10, by virtue of its other end being connected to the cathode. Also, despite the pentode curves, you don't need to wire up a screen and suppressor grid. ra = the internal plate resistance of the tube mu = the mu of the tube R36 is the tail resistor that creates the relatively high voltage (34v DC in the Bassman) needed for the cathode follower function of the upper cathode. In the cathode follower you use the the voltage swing across a resistor between ground and the cathode. The follower is derectional and must always :point dCMnstream with-in the flow system. 6) that shows that it is the impedance looking into the cathode which dominates (rather than the bias resistor value) and just halveing the cap will most always be good enough (440 . Hosenlander triode common-cathode amplifier calculator provides an elaborated DC and AC calculator for triode gain stage. The cathode circuit, which is essentially a cathode follower, we already know has NO voltage gain, so the second stage Common-Grid amp provides the gain. Designing the Gain Stage Common-Cathode Stage, bypassed. Negative voltage between grid and cathode can also be obtained by connecting the grid to ground voltage and by elevating the cathode voltage. For example, a 6C4 small signal triode could be used to implement a cathode follower. In this manner the potential difference existing between cathode 26 and screengrid 36 . This is the key element missing in the Cathodyne Phase Inverter (Fig. The output from the V4,V5 cathode follower is DC coupled to the input of the 6B4G's. This means that the cathode follower sets the bias for the 6B4G's. This is important to understand as this feature is part of the Automatic Bias Control., The bias at the input grids of the cathode follower is controlled by the output of the DC amplifier. The gain of the E80CC stage is about 12 times. Pease was only 70 years old and I fully expected him to go on another thirty years. The idea is that the mosfet follower amplifies the output current, providing lower output impedance. Advantages - A relatively low impedance output enabling you to use longer leads, simplicity itself. This schematic below is a simple two stage line-level preamplifier using a single 12AU7 (ECC82) tube per channel. Large fonts are supported. Remember that cathode follower stage gain is always close to 1 so you're dividing an already fairly large grid resistor by a very small number. Posts: 4,549. The gain of the the individual stages is as follows. But the cathode driven tonestack tends to have less insertion loss and this happens more in the signal's midrange. Shunt Regulated Push-Pull. Some may say that a volume pot has an influence on the tone (bassier at low. Cathode bias resistor is calculated according to the formula: Rcb = R8 = Bias voltage / Idle current Rcb = 4V / 8.5mA = 470 ohm The bias point of the CF is set by R4, if R4 would be 100K or even lower (such as on a VOX amp), the current goes . 333k. Pre-Amplifier Tube Datasheets. This is R2 in the circuit below. The branch designation or type, is the number (4). Note that the plate voltage on the X-axis is actually read as the plate-to-cathode voltage (I.e. 1. Tone Stack Calculator is a 32 bit application, and has not been tested to run under Windows 3.1 or 3.11 with win32s installed. Bias Settings For Plate Dissipation. 16. The latter is less susceptible to interference and can have a beneficial effect on tone. Before we dive in, let's talk a bit about what exactly the cathode bypass cap does, and how changing it can affect the tone of your amplifier. I needed to make up some long interconnects from preamp to monoblocks sited by the speakers, about 4Mtrs. Keen's MOSFET Follies . stack if there's a cathode follower right before. This approximately equalizes the plate driven and cathode driven designs. Brian's right on the portable radio specific stuff but it wouldn't hurt to download a copy of the RCA receiving tube manual, keeping in . A cathode follower is used, where a low impedance output source is needed to drive a high impedance stage, such as an output tube. Yes, the SRPP appears to encompass a cathode follower of sorts, making the unity-gain buffer answer seem at least partially right. Re: Cathode Follower. The overall voltage gain of the circuit is about 8. The part about mosfet cathode followers. *. The cathode voltage is elevated by connecting it to ground through the resistor Rk, generally called the cathode resistor, as shown in Figure 12. An amplifier, electronic amplifier or (informally) amp is an electronic device that can increase the power of a signal (a time-varying voltage or current).It is a two-port electronic circuit that uses electric power from a power supply to increase the amplitude of a signal applied to its input terminals, producing a proportionally greater amplitude signal at its output. The input impedance of this follower is equal to the three 1M input resistors in parallel, i.e. Cathode follower: In the picture you can see various cathode, emitter and source followers. Like a tube cathode follower, the source follower lowers the driving impedance to drive the tone stack with less signal loss. For more, see Mike Donovan's article on High Voltage Solid-State Circuits for Guitar Amplifiers , or R.G. RIP Bob Pease & Jim Williams. To put it (almost) simply, a cathode follower is an impedance conversion stage within an amplifier circuit that transforms a high-impedance signal into a low-impedance signal. If there is no Rl, Ra = Rp. Also, despite the pentode curves, you don't need to wire up a screen and suppressor grid. Input values can be changed to calculate other parameters like the cathode follower gain of V1 reduced by R1 by making µ2 -1 ~ For calculations of triode gain and follower output impedance this may be better ~ The default values are for two sections of an ECC81 both with Ia ≈ 1mA at V a = 170V and -Vbias = 360V ~ see valve . By µ the E80CC stage is about 12 times Essex/Suffolk bord to a... Is 0,94 times, being a cathode bias of 40V, is 140V B+ and 100v plate-to-cathode voltage.. Been referred to as a SEPP, Totem Pole, Mu follower Mu. Years old and I fully expected him to go on another thirty years Phase Inverter ( Fig different.... The E80CC stage is about 8 enabling you to use longer leads simplicity... To as a Minimum many possible variations for a Symmetrical SRPP Preamplifier based around the 6DJ8 / ECC88 family tubes. 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cathode follower calculator