school uniforms increase safety

A survey of kids in Nevada found that 90% of kids are against uniforms (statistics may vary by state) 41% of kids did say that uniform policies reduced gang activity in their schools. Opponents contend that uniforms have not been proven to work and may be an infringement on the freedom of speech of young people. Uniforms increase school spirit and community by fostering a sense of belonging and pride in the school. Many advocates think that school uniforms allow students to stay safe in schools, reduce crimes, increase attendance, and improve students performance in the classroom. Some schools that have implemented them have chosen what one usually thinks of in connection to private or parochial schools: nice trousers and white shirts for boys, jumpers and white shirts for girls. Proponents for mandatory school uniforms cite increased safety of students as the major reason why more public schools should implement the policy. Parents may argue that having to buy expensive school uniforms on top of regular after school and weekend clothes can become a financial burden on families, especially those with multiple school-aged children. Graduating from high school is a major milestone. A common reason for the requirement to wear uniforms is that it helps identify students as belonging to the school (and helps identify intruders). For a student attending a school with a uniform policy, that number can increase to 12. School Uniforms, Dress Codes & Book Bags.National School Safety and Security Services receives a number of inquiries regarding the issue of school uniforms, dress codes, book bag control, and their role in improving school safety and security. School uniforms create a level playing field among students, reducing peer pressure and bullying. Uniforms increase campus safety and security: our administration/teachers can easily identify students or strangers who are not in uniform. In return they will learn the basis of good citizenship and become better students. Janet Adkins By Joshua Gillin April 2, 2015 School uniforms improve school safety and truancy, Rep. Janet Adkins says More Florida school districts may soon have millions of reasons to start. School uniforms may deter crime and increase student safety. Elisabetta Gentile1 University of Houston Scott A. Imberman1 University of Houston March 4, 2009 Abstract: Concerns about safety in urban schools has led many school districts to require uniforms for their students. Helps school staff & security quickly spot intruders and any other individuals who do not belong. In Long Beach, CA, after two years of a district-wide K-8 mandatory uniform policy, reports of assault and battery in the district's schools decreased by 34%, assault with a deadly weapon dropped by 50%, fighting incidents went down by 51%, sex offenses were cut by 74%, robbery dropped by 65%, possession of weapons . The t-shirts vary in color and logo according to the particular school the child attends. Google Scholar School uniforms keep students focused on their education, not their clothes. Con - Uniforms can Violate Religious Expression: 6. At Dress Code, we provide High-Quality Uniforms in Ranchi which promotes school spirit because uniform provides students with a sense of unity. This unity brings a bond that allows students to feel closer and more connected. First of all, many students cannot afford the most expensive and trendy clothes. Uniforms in public schools help decrease bullying. With the uniform debate as strong as ever, I am most strongly interested in its relation to academic performance - after all, the purpose of school is to educate youth. It was expected that, after the release of the manual, more than 25% of elementary, middle, and high schools would implement school uniforms (Issacson, 1998). Dirty and unkept outfits quickly become a non-issue when there is a standard. Pro 4: School uniforms can promote safety. The Bossier Parish School Board in Louisiana enacted a uniform policy in 2001 in order to increase test scores and reduce disciplinary problems. Moreover teachers are easier able to identify when intruders are in the building. These policies have been implemented nationwide within urban, suburban, and rural schools (Landen, 1992). School uniforms are considered by the NCES to be an "indicator of school crime and safety," and safety is a primary advantage of school uniforms. Students who cannot keep up with the latest fashions often stand out as an easy victim to ridicule. School climate, of course, can play a significant role in reducing security threats and improving school safety. 31 Related Question Answers Found Do uniforms save parents money? Uniforms at school also reduce the prevalence of violence, which is a major concern . Not only do uniforms help identify our students when on field trips or other outside events; within the school, uniforms readily identify members of our school community, which can be helpful in situations where an unknown visitor may pose a threat to the . School uniforms and their level of effectiveness is a pretty hot button issue for parents, schools and kids alike. School Uniforms Are Too Expensive. School uniforms improve safety. Question: . Con 1: They can be expensive for parents. Instead, "school safety officers" in less severe uniforms and with different job descriptions will be stationed . School safety and security measures. In implementing school uniforms following the guides in the manual, it would also help to increase safety in schools. School uniforms may deter crime and increase student safety. A lack of confidence can be one of the most significant barriers to academic growth. With security on everyone's mind, uniforms in the public school are an excellent way to increase student safety. Schools are trying to figure out ways to ensure students have the best possible environment for learning. Therefore, my research question is: Do school uniform requirements have an effect on overall student academic performance at one Safety and Security. We want to help our kids avoid issues related to modesty and cleanliness. Pro 1: They can break down class barriers between students. There are many reasons to have school uniforms in public schools. Frank Quatrone, superintendent in the Lodi district of New Jersey, stated that "When you have students dressed alike, you make them safer. It can also impact graduation rates. But students who attended schools requiring school uniforms did report lower levels of "school belonging" in fifth grade than did students in schools without uniforms. That can limit closet space or force families into having their child wear the school uniform for more than just school. David Brunsma, a sociologist who wrote Uniforms in Public Schools: A Decade of Research and Debate in 2005, says, "Dress codes and school uniforms increase school safety by eliminating gang-related clothing and helping aid in the recognition of nonstudents on campus. 20. Con 1: They can be expensive for parents. school uniforms on attendance, standardized test scores, and discipline referral rates in rural public high schools in southwest Georgia was unclear. Although 90 percent of the students indicated they did not like wearing uniforms, various benefits to wearing uniforms were reported, including decreases in discipline, gang involvement and bullying; and increases in safety, ease of going to school, confidence and self-esteem. Answer (1 of 3): I went to a school that implemented this policy during my senior year. Proponents of school uniforms claim that school safety would be improved through a mandatory uniform policy. A 2005 study, on the other hand, indicates that in some Ohio high schools uniforms may have improved graduation and attendance rates, although no improvements were observed in academic performance. American school uniforms from many sides. Proponents argue that uniforms can make schools safer and also improve school attendance and increase student achievement. Gang type clothing would be eliminated. Approximately half of the public schools in the United States require uniforms or a formal dress policy and many are intended to reduce discipline problems and improve school climate. School uniforms may decrease violence and theft, prevent gang members from wearing gang colors and insignia at school, promote student discipline, help parents and students resist peer pressure, help students concentrate on their school work, and enable school officials to recognize school intruders. School uniforms improve safety. 1 Additionally, assault with a deadly weapon decreased by 50%, fighting incidents declined 51%, and sex offenses dropped by 74%. In 1994, the district became the first school district in the United States to require students to wear school uniforms from Kindergarten to eighth grade. Subsequently, one may also ask, do school uniforms increase safety? Although we believe that no single strategy is a panacea for improving school safety, we do believe that school uniforms, dress codes, and book bag control can contribute toward improving the school climate. A 2004 book makes the case that uniforms do not improve school safety or academic discipline. School uniforms improve safety. Other potential benefits . School uniforms decrease the threat of gang colors and co-ordination. There are significant safety concerns to not adopting a uniform in school. School uniforms help increase the safety of students in public schools. for School Uniforms A safe and structured learning environment is the first requirement of a good school. Keywords: school uniforms, dress codes, school policy, socioeconomic status, middle grades Across the nation, school uniform policies are becoming increasingly popular. A suburban school district in Georgia recognized that there was an increase in discipline problems in their schools that affected the school climate. Do uniforms increase safety? They found that 90% of the students did not enjoy wearing uniforms; however, they found that there were benefits to wearing the uniforms. Average annual cost to parents for school uniforms is around $249. Crimes such as theft of expensive clothing or footwear would be substantially reduced (McDaniel, 1996.) Uniforms help prevent embarrassing problems while promoting self-discipline. Wearing uniforms enhances school pride, unity, and community spirit. Kids were still getting bullied on a fairly regular basis, homeless people still occasionally wandered onto campus, kids . School uniforms make classrooms safer School uniforms reduce violence. Con 2: Uniforms limit student self-expression. The use of school uniforms, whether in public or private schools, has a powerful influence on school culture in ways that contribute to greater levels of student achievement." A look at studies shows that school uniforms may improve learning. Often, uniforms are only available from a limited number of suppliers and the lack of competition (and captive market) keeps prices high. But other schools without uniforms employ alternative safety methods for identifying students on school grounds, such as requiring students to carry school photo ID (9 percent of schools). A 2004 book makes the case that uniforms do not improve school safety or academic discipline. School uniforms and their level of effectiveness is a pretty hot button issue for parents, schools and kids alike. Pro - Clear 'Appropriate Dress' Rules: 5. For the average child in a non-uniform school, there are 7 basic outfits required to have something clean to wear each day of the week. School uniforms promote school spirit because they provide students with a sense of unity. Proponents say dress codes and school uniforms increase school safety by eliminating gang-related clothing and helping aid in the recognition of nonstudents on campus. Con - Children Don't get to Exercise Free Choice: 5. Educators and politicians across the country have considered school uniforms as a vehicle to achieving school safety, student discipline, and student achievement (Breitenbach, 2010; Brunsma & Research has shown that among middle and high school students, uniforms reduce absences on average by half a day each school year. Pro 4: School uniforms can promote safety. School Safety Advantages Uniforms help to eliminate the socioeconomic tension that affects students who cannot afford the latest trends. Many people who are opposed to school uniforms are saying by putting kids into school uniforms, we are allowing them to have limited ways to express themselves. Long Beach, CA: Long Beach Unified School District. 20% of elementary schools require uniforms, versus 12% of high schools. The Pros and Cons of School Uniforms. Although the uniform is technically voluntary, most of the children wear one. School uniforms are traditionally part of the parochial or private learning processes in the United States, but public schools are starting to adopt this practice in greater numbers as well. Pro - Uniforms Improve a School's Reputation: 6. Their school uniforms consist of khakis or black pants, depending on the school, and the school's t-shirt. Children who feel safe and secure will better learn basic American values. The findings came from data on more than 6,000 school-age children."A lot of the core arguments about why school uniforms are good for student behaviour don't hold up in our sample," said Arya Ansari, lead author of the study and assistant professor of human sciences at The Ohio State University. With uniforms, a more professional tone is set in a school, encouraging students to take their studies more seriously. Although 90 percent of the students indicated they did not like wearing uniforms, various benefits to wearing uniforms were reported, including decreases in discipline, gang involvement and bullying; and increases in safety, ease of going to school, confidence and self-esteem. During the 2015-2016 school year, over 20% of schools required students to wear a uniform. Research relating the effectiveness of such policies is largely anecdotal, relying heavily on the . School Uniforms Defined . How does school uniform affect students? school uniforms. Long Beach one of the first school's to mandate uniforms, saw a decrease in student crime by 36%, decline in student fighting by 51%, and a decline in sexual offenses by 74% by implementing school uniforms. On the other hand, the American Civil . However, such mandatory policies that decide what students can or cannot wear to schools, have led to free speech violations lawsuits . Students can wear a variety of expressive items, such as buttons or jewlery." The Seventeen and TeenVogue websites list numerous suggestions for students on how to add their personal style to school uniforms, including hairstyle options, the use of nail polish, and the addition of colorful accessories such as satchels, scarfs, socks, Makeup, hair color, shoes. The bottom line: Wearing school uniforms increases student safety and self-esteem. Uniforms used at schools can range from the formal to the informal. Con - Uniforms Highlight Social-Class Differences Between Schools: 7. Mandatory uniforms for all elementary and middle schools beginning with the 1994-95 school year, and action to obtain legislative authority for such requirement (Motion passed by the Long Beach Unified School District Board of Education). Uniforms increase acceptance for all students: we place an emphasis on "who you are" and not . The school uniform provider Planet Young has received similar feedback from parents on the convenience and benefits resulting from their children's school uniform policy. 2. 3. Schools are trying to figure out ways to ensure students have the best possible environment for learning. 4. More Florida school districts may soon have millions of reasons to start requiring students to wear uniforms, thanks to a bill that just passed the House. Between the years 2000 and 2014, the number of schools that had a school uniform policy increased from 12 percent to 20 percent (Musu-Gillette, Zhang, Wang, Zhang, & Oudekerk . 4. Introducing a school uniform removes this possibility, meaning your child has less to worry about and more reason to be confident in class. In the time it was in place, the number of fights in the school halls did not decrease. School administrators say uniforms are as much about safety and convenience as they are about inclusion. These benefits include a decrease in discipline, gang involvement and bullying, an increase of safety, ease of going to school, boost of confidence and self-esteem. Increase safety. School police will no longer patrol city public school halls come September. Students feel like they're part of a team, parents save money, and teachers don't have to. We have developed a standard of dress that is reliable for everyone. School uniforms also prevent students from concealing weapons under baggy clothing, [ 38] make it easier to keep track of students on field trips, and make intruders on campus more visible. Proponents say that school uniforms make schools safer for students, create a "level playing field" that reduces socioeconomic disparities, and encourage children to focus on their studies rather than their clothes. Dirty and unkept outfits quickly become a non-issue when there is a standard. A 2005 study, on the other hand, indicates that in some Ohio high schools uniforms may have improved graduation and attendance rates, although no improvements were observed in academic performance. Pro - Improves School Safety: 4. School uniforms were most frequently required by elementary schools (23%), followed by middle (18%), and high schools (10%). The Bossier Parish School Board in Louisiana enacted a uniform policy in 2001 in order to increase test scores and reduce disciplinary problems. Parents are trying to protect and nurture their kids and help them become the… We want to help our kids avoid issues related to modesty and cleanliness. However, such mandatory policies that decide what students can or cannot wear to schools, have led to free speech violations lawsuits . We have developed a standard of dress that is reliable for everyone. School uniforms may decrease violence and theft, prevent gang members from wearing gang colors and insignia at school, promote student discipline, help parents and students resist peer pressure, help students concentrate on their school work, and enable school officials to recognize school intruders. Some people think that school uniforms can help make schools safer for kids. In an effort to promote school safety and improve climate . Pro - Uniforms can . It saves them from having to go out and buy clothes because a uniform can be sent to you. Similar to athletic team uniforms, proponents argue that dressing cohesively increases pride, unity, and a renewed commitment to the school. This is key to dealing with them before they can put anyone at risk or cause damage to the school property. Keeping a child in school uniforms may be more expensive for parents and guardians than buying regular clothes would be. Evidence suggests that requiring uniforms may increase the number of students who earn their diploma. Another argument commonly raised by parents in the school uniform debate is how costly they are. Following the decision, the district found that violence and disciplinary issues across the district fell. More important than fashionable aesthetics are the benefits of school uniforms on the learning environment. Some proponents of school uniforms argue that uniforms can increase student safety in school and outside of . Uniforms and Dress Codes Dressed for Success: Do School Uniforms Improve Student Behavior, Attendance, and Achievement? School uniforms will help save parents money. Parents are trying to protect and nurture their kids and help them become the… Long Beach school district in California carried out a study across its elementary and middle schools. Uniforms help prevent embarrassing problems while promoting self-discipline. Decisions don't have to be made because you . In 2010, according to Seunghee Han, "A Mandatory Uniform Policy in Urban Schools: Findings from the School Survey on Crime and Safety" studies found that schools who do enforce a uniform policy have 12% fewer firearm-related incidents and 15% fewer drug related incidents than schools who let the student's wear whatever they choose to . That means in less than a decade, the desire to follow a strict dress code like this went from 1 in 8 U.S. public . Research and evidence clearly shows that a uniform policy can and does increase the safety of school, reduce the number of disruptions based on behavioral problems, positively benefit the school climate, promotes a professional setting in which the focus of the school is on education and academic success. "We know that a school uniform policy can help reduce instances of classroom discipline and bullying, as well as improve student safety and attendance. Uniforms alone cannot solve all of our concerns but they can be a very positive element to safety and discipline. Rep. Janet Adkins, R-Fernandina Beach . Pro 3: They can increase the sense of community in a school. Pro 2: They can increase student focus. When Long Beach, CA, required all students in grades K-8 to wear uniforms, reports of assault and battery decreased by 34%. The manual contained user guides to implementing a school uniform policy. this problem has prompted many school administrators to adopt uniform policies in an attempt to improve school safety and student behavior. Uniforms do not silence voices. Critics of school uniforms consistently mock the inhibition of expression and style, but let's get real school isn't a fashion show, it's a place to learn. In areas where students may be gang-involved, uniforms can increase safety by preventing students from wearing clothing that declares - intentionally or inadvertently - gang affiliation. A recent study conducted by the US Department of Education showed that requiring school uniforms can help accomplish this through reducing the negative effects of peer pressure and bullying that can occur when students come to school wearing designer clothes and expensive shoes. 2. Although 90 percent of the students indicated they did not like wearing uniforms, various benefits to wearing uniforms were reported, including decreases in discipline, gang involvement and bullying; and increases in safety, ease of going to school, confidence and self-esteem. Despite the belief of many parents and teachers, school uniforms don't seem to have any effect on young students' behavior or attendance overall, a new national study found. Although we believe that no single strategy is a panacea for improving school safety, we do believe that school uniforms, dress codes, and book bag . Promotes safety of school - an increase in many areas of school safety is found with the school that adopts a uniform policy. It's much easier to spot intruders in the school compound when everyone else is in a uniform. 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school uniforms increase safety