new hebrides subduction zone

New Hebrides subduction zone Jean-Yves Collot* Michael A. Fisher US. Alert. 3; Hall, 2002). Save. Between 1990 and 1994, geodetic measurements (GPS observations) have been conducted across the New Hebrides subduction zone where the Australia plate subducts under the New Hebrides Arc. Summary. The Southwest Pacific region is comprised of the Australian plate, and eighteen other plates and microplates, which are located to the north and east of Australia. New Hebrides and Chile, are associated with lower b-values. Subduction zones Tectonic features Oceanic trench: typically 8 km deep Volcanoes 200-400 km behind trench Accretionary wedge Ocean-ocean: Island arcs: Aleutians, Caribbean Back-arc basins: extension: West Philippine Basin, South Fiji Basin rift subduction arc subduction islan Subduction zones Tectonic features Oceanic trench: typically 8 km deep Within the subduction zone 34 M7.5+ earthquakes have been recorded since 1900. This animation addresses both the subduction earthquakes, as well as a strike-slip component between the island chains. The New Hebrides Subduction zone is very active and causes around 20 earthquakes over 7.0 annually. The subduction zone may form anywhere in the ocean basin, and may face in any direction. Seismic observations in the zone of the gap have been previously interpreted as either related to a detachment of part of the downgoing slab or associated with a continuous slab. Another important east-dipping subduction zone developed at about the same time, beneath Halmahera, when west . 22. The Fiji Islands are part of an island arc formed by an ancient subduction zone, but the subduction zone is no longer active. The new zones are based primarily on 138 tsunami scenarios modelled by GNS Science generated by large earthquakes (greater than magnitude 9) off the coasts of South and Central America, on the Hikurangi, Puysegur, Kermadec and New Hebrides subduction zones, and elsewhere around the Pacific The New Hebrides and Macquarie subduction zones may also be experiencing SP along weak zones (9, 24) . Google Scholar. . Thence the d'Entrecasteaux zone may be de- fined as a fossil structure which seems to have acted the same way as the Hunter Fracture Zone, which connects the New Hebrides and the Tonga subduction zones , is presently acting. The New Hebrides subduction zone initiated through a polarity reversal at ca. Peru, Central Chile, and the northern segment of the Japan Trench demonstrate Kurile-type behavior, although the length scale of the subzones ranges from 100-300 km. the7onga and New Hebrides islands (i.e. It is the largest earthquake in New Caledonia since 1995, and the largest in Vanuatu since the 2009 Vanuatu earthquakes. Between the two surveyed areas, previous studies found evidence for the resistance of the Loyalty Ridge to subduction beneath the New Hebrides trench near 22°S-169°E. There, the authors suggest that the collision of the Loyalty Ridge with the New Hebrides Arc . Two subduction cycles accompanied by The ZoNéCo 1 and 2 cruises of Ifremer's Research Vessel L'Atalante, collected new swath bathymetry and geophysical data over the southern and northern segments of the basins and ridges forming the Loyalty system. The largest, magnitude 7 and 8, cluster especially beneath the New Hebrides subduction zone reflecting the locked and loaded contact. 1; Schellart et al., 2006, Bergeot et al., 2009). Box outlines study area. Trace element fractionation and precipitation in submarine back-arc hydrothermal systems, Nifonea caldera, New Hebrides subduction zone M Keith, KM Haase, F Häckel, U Schwarz-Schampera, R Klemd, . Results from GPS surveys conducted on both sides of the trench and new bathymetry maps of the NH archipelago bring new light on the complex tectonics of this area. New Hebrides and Chile, are associated with lower b-values. southwest-dipping Vitiaz subduction zone, the consequence of which was a possible reversal in subduction dip from southeastward along the Vitiaz arc to eastward along the New Hebrides Island Arc. Formation of forearc basins by collision between seamounts and accretionary wedges: An example from the New Hebrides subduction zone Jean-Yves Collot; Jean-Yves Collot 1. The closing phase of the Wilson Cycle begins when a subduction zone (new convergent plate boundary) forms. This correlation is consistent with asimplemodelwherethe slabbuoyancy,whichdependsontheage of the subducting plate, determines the stress state and the b-value or the slope of earthquake . ridge subduction large-scale deformation low value arc-ridge intersection speed collision zone newtonian flow effective stress-strain exponent low rate crustal thickening similar characteristic continuum model yield arc-parallel tension compressional deformation new hebrides arc pyroxenite-controlled rheology argand number diffuse deformation . On October 7, 2009, a large interplate thrust fault earthquake (M7.6) in the northern North New Hebrides subduction zone was followed 15 minutes later by an even larger interplate event (M7.8) 60 km to the north. Search for other works by this author on: GSW. The plates come together, so it is a convergent boundary. in Fig. The Australian plate is the largest plate, and one of the oldest on the Earth's surface. New Hebrides → New Britain. The subduction GULWS collision between the Loyalty Ridge and the New. Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, California 94025 ORSTOM, BPA-5, Noumea, New Caledonia ABSTRACT Seabeam data. West of the collision zone, three Abstract. Results from GPS surveys conducted on both sides of the trench and new bathymetry maps of the NH archipelago bring new light on the complex tectonics of this area. Convergence vectors present large See the answer. The New Hebrides and Macquarie subduction zones may also be experiencing SP along weak zones (9, 24) (Fig. Stéphane Calmant, Bernard Pelletier, Pierre Lebellegard, Michael Bevis, Frederick W. Taylor, David A. Phillips New insights on the tectonics along the New Hebrides subduction zone based on GPS results, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108, no.B6 B6 (Jun 2003). Plate tectonic reconstruction suggests that SP accompanies Nazca plate subduction along the west coast of South America (25 . The ZoNéCo 1 and 2 cruises of Ifremer's Research Vessel L'Afalante, collected new swath bathymetry and geophysical data over the southern and northern segments of the basins and ridges formine the Lovaltv svstem. Question 13 (1 point) Which of the following is NOT a subduction zone along a convergent plate boundary? (2001), Hall and Spakman (2002; 2004), Schellart and Spakman (2012), Fukao and Obayashi . 3) Many volcanoes have formed due to the subduction of plates, pushing earth upwards to do so. New geophysical data acquired during three expeditions of the R/V Southern Surveyor in the southern part of the North Fiji Basin allow us to characterize the deformation of the upper plate at the southern termination of the New Hebrides . "Seismicity and state of stress within the overriding plate of the Tonga‐Kermadec subduction zone." Tectonics 26.5 (2007). The correlation with depth to the Benioff zone is therefore the reverse of that typically found in island arcs. The Banda region (Indonesia subduction zones) illustrates a general way of SP (7, 23) (Fig. This paper establishes convergence rate variations along the trench. the New Hebrides subduction zone. Within the subduction zone 34 M7.5+ earthquakes have been recorded since 1900. the GPS benchmarks) being in general far enough from the seismogenic zones, and the lack of large shallow thrust earthquakes in the Tonga and New Hebrides subduction zones (few events with magnitude higher than 7.5 and none higher than 8 in the period of 1d). In the central part of the New Hebrides island arc a sizable gap exists in the seismic activity. The New Hebrides Subduction Zone is extremely active, producing over 20 earthquakes of magnitude 7 or higher in just the past 25 years. This subduction zone initiated on the south side of an island arc that had a pre-existing subduction zone along its northern margin ('Pacific Melanesia subduction zone' in the model). On the . For most active subduction zones on Earth, the uppermost ∼200 km of the slab is defined by one convex-upward slab hinge located close to the trench (Figures 1A,B) (e.g., Kuril-Kamchatka, Izu-Bonin-Mariana, Sunda, Tonga-Kermadec-Hikurangi, New Hebrides). The dip of the slab is related inversely to the velocity of convergence at the trench, and is a function of the time since the initiation of subduction. The New Hebrides arc originally formed part of the continuous Melanesian Arc along the Vitiaz Trench where the Pacific Plate was subducted beneath the Indo-Australian Plate (Fig. We'll look more closely at three areas in cross section to reveal a change from steeply dipping subduction along the New Hebrides trench, to a short segment of strike slip motion along the Solomon Islands, and . Rifting of the New Hebrides Ridge and formation of the Coriolis back-arc Troughs started ~ 3 Ma ago with rates of 20 to 35 mm/yr (Fig. The New Hebrides island arc formed as a result of convergence between the Australian Plate and the North Fiji Basin, at a rate of 120 mm/yr. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. Some subduction segments, however, show two or three slab hinges in the uppermost 200 km. At present, they are located in the backarc zone corresponding to the North New Hebrides and New Hebrides Trenches, in an area characterized by several small ocean basins with developing sea-floor spreading rifts. PDF. On October 7, 2009, a large interplate thrust fault earthquake (M7.6) in the northern North New Hebrides subduction zone was followed 15 minutes later by an even larger interplate event (M7.8) 60 km to the north. We give a geometrical argument which, added the seismic observations from these previous studies, adds one step in favor . This correlation is consistent with asimplemodelwherethe slabbuoyancy,whichdependsontheage of the subducting plate, determines the stress state and the b-value or the slope of earthquake . The subduction of the D'Entrecasteaux fracture zone-seismic ridge system in the New Hebrides island arc is investigated on the basis of the focal process of the New Hebrides earthquake of 1969 January 19 (m b = 6.4, h= 107 km), mechanisms of some related events, seismicity and regional tectonics.A notable feature of this island arc is the discontinuity of the New Hebrides Trench in . It is a seismically active area of frequent large earthquakes. 1. The subduction of the D'Entrecasteaux fracture zone-seismic ridge system in the New Hebrides island arc is investigated on the basis of the focal process of the New Hebrides earthquake of 1969 January 19 (mb =6.4, h = 107km), mechanisms of some related events, seismicity and regional tectonics. West of the collision zone, three Abstract. Abstract. Somali Plate - Indian Plate. The plate is bounded on the southwest by the Indo-Australian Plate which is subducting below it. The major tectonic features in this region are the New Hebrides Trench, where the Australian Plate subducts northeastward beneath Vanuatu, and a complex series of rifts and transforms in the North Fiji Basin (NFB). See also List of earthquakes in Vanuatu References 1); (3) the active spreading centre trending N-S to N1O"E in the southern part of the basin and N160°E farther north (Auzende et al., 1988a), is oblique with regard to the New Hebrides arc and located be- yond the deepest part of the New Hebrides slab On October 7, 2009, a large interplate thrust fault earthquake (M7.6) in the northern North New Hebrides subduction zone was followed 15 minutes later by an even larger interplate event (M7.8) 60 km to the north. The Izu-Marianas, Kermadec, Philippines and Java subduction zones have high b-values (≥1.3), whereas the Sumatra, Nankai, Puysegur, Solomon Islands and New Hebrides subduction zones have low b . trench is interpreted to be a delayed response to the collision of the Ontong Java plateau with the original Melanesian subduction zone along which (part of) the Papua slab subducted below the Australian plate until approximately 26-20 Ma (Hall, 2002; Quarles van Ufford and Cloos, . New geophysical data acquired during three expeditions of the R/V Southern Surveyor in the southern part of the North Fiji Basin allow us to characterize the deformation of the upper plate at the southern termination of the New Hebrides subduction zone, where it bends eastward along the Hunter Ridge. Question 13 options: Australian Plate - New Hebrides & Fiji Plate. The mechanism responsible for the recent, dramatic reorganization of plate subduction in the New Hebrides region of the south-west Pacific has remained elusive. It is a NW-SE trending slab that was imaged before by Fukao et al. The subduction GULWS collision between the Loyalty Ridge and the New. The Banda region (Indonesia subduction zones) illustrates a general way of SP (7, 23) . As shown by GPS measurements and earthquake slip vectors systematically orthogonal to the trench, this 90° bend does not mark a . In the Late Miocene, a collision with the Ontong Java Plateau induced a reversal of subduction polarity, and the Indo-Australian Plate began to subduct . The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Scientific and Technical Information K. Michael Cleveland, Charles J. Ammon, Thorne Lay. The Matthew-Hunter (MH) intra-oceanic arc has been proposed to represent a juvenile subduction zone, which initiated at ∼1.8 Ma as a result of the collision of the Loyalty Ridge with the southern termination of the New Hebrides Trench (Patriat et al., 2015). Overview; North American Plate - Cocos Plate. Within the subduction zone 34 M7.5+ earthquakes have been recorded since 1900. At the South New Hebrides Trench, Australia lithosphere converges with and sinks beneath the Pacific plate, descending into the mantle and forming the New Hebrides/Vanuatu subduction zone, stretching from New Caledonia in the south to the Santa Cruz Islands in the north, a distance of about 1,600 km. The New Hebrides subduction zone may have initiated with a segmented subduction initiation mode similar to case A02. The New Hebrides anomaly (Figure A66) is located west of the northern termination of the Tonga trench, and is interpreted as lithosphere still subducting at the New Hebrides subduction zone. Backarc extension concomitant with subduction initiation under compressive stress is compatible, as exemplified by the recent case of Matthew and Hunter at the southern termination of the New Hebrides subduction zone (Patriat et al., 2015, Fig. Between 1990 and 1994, geodetic measurements (GPS observations) have been conducted across the New Hebrides subduction zone where the Australia plate subducts under the New Hebrides Arc. Large earthquake processes in the northern Vanuatu subduction zone. In contrast, subduction zones with old slabs such as Kermadec and Marianas have higher b-values. Figure A65. Location of Plate Boundaries and Subduction Zones (supplied by Geoscience Australia) 2.3 VOLCANO SOURCES In the South, at Tanna, the relative motion is oriented N244 2 4 and has a uniform rate of 11.7 2 0.8 cm/yr. Geophysical data acquired during three expeditions of the R/V Southern Surveyor allows us to characterize the deformation of the upper plate at the southern termination of the New Hebrides subduction zone where it bends 90° eastward along the Hunter Ridge. Subduction zones dip mostly at angles between 30º and 70º, but individual subduction zones dip more steeply with depth. presently active subduction zone and the major physiographic units of the ocean floor implies a nonuniform rate of subduction along the New Hebrides trench due to the hampering effect of main structural features of the subducting Austra­ lian plate. (GPS observations) have been conducted across the New Hebrides subduction zone where the Australia plate subducts under the New Hebrides Arc. Hebrides Arc. The rate at Efaté is subduction zone and 3 M W8.15 scenarios in Southern New Hebrides subduction zone William Power, Laura Wallace, Xiaoming Wang and Martin Reyners (2012) Tsunami hazard posed to New Zealand by the Kermadec and Southern New Hebrides subduction margins: an assessment based on plate boundary kinematics, interseismic coupling and historical seismicity. 1; Schellart et al., 2006, Bergeot et al., 2009).Vate Trough is the northernmost basin of the Coriolis Troughs and is a . Surprisingly, small differences (less than about 10 km) were found between the locations of shallow- and intermediate-depth earthquakes as located by the temporary local network and by the Intemational Seismological Centre using worldwide stations. The New Hebrides Plate is a micro tectonic plate located in the Pacific Ocean near the island nation of Vanuatu. Vitiaz subduction zone (Fig. Large subduction thrust earthquakes on the east-west trending portion of the southern New Hebrides subduction margin (between 169°E and 174°E) could trigger tsunami that impact New Zealand coastlines. Recent data (bathymetric map and petrological investigations) as well as reappraisal of local seismological events for more than 20 years allow us to present a new geodynamic In contrast, subduction zones with old slabs such as Kermadec and Marianas have higher b-values. The earthquake occurred due to shallow thrust faulting along the New Hebrides subduction zone, where the Australian Plate subducts beneath the New Hebrides Plate. at the southern New Hebrides Trench is key to assessing the tsunami hazard posed by earthquakes on the New Hebrides subduction zone to New Zealand. The plate is bounded on the southwest by the Indo-Australian Plate which is subducting below it. In the model of Müller et al. Plate tectonic reconstruction suggests that SP accompanies Nazca plate subduction along the west coast of South America . The magnitude M W 7.8 earthquake on the 7th of October 2009 occurred approximately midway between the NCFZ and the Renell Trough where the oceanic crust entering the northern New Hebrides Trench is characterized by the prominent West Torres Plateau ().The top of the plateau rises over 1,000 m above the adjacent seafloor and is impeding subduction there. 5 Scopus citations. Calmant, Stéphane, et al. The New Hebrides Subduction Zone is extremely active, producing over 20 earthquakes of magnitude 7 or higher within the past 25 years. Kermadec Plate - Pacific Plate. The New Hebrides anomaly (Figure A66) is located west of the northern termination of the Tonga trench, and is interpreted as lithosphere still subducting at the New Hebrides subduction zone. 10-12 Ma (Greene et al., 1994), but a slab segment is found beneath the North Fiji Basin (Hamburger and Isacks, 1987; Richards et al., 2011). Hebrides Arc. To the east of New Guinea a new subduction zone developed on the east side of the Solomon Sea beneath the New Hebrides. (2016), the New Hebrides - New Britain SZI event occurs at 12 Ma. anisotropy at mid-mantle depths in the Tonga-Kermadec, Sumatra, New Britain, New Hebrides, and Philippines subduction zones using the source-side shear wave splitting technique. Shallow and Intermediate-Depth Seismicity in the New Hebrides Arc: Constraints on the Subduction Process. Ore Geology Reviews 135, 104211 , 2021 The Solomon and Vanuatu Islands are subduction-related features caused by the subduction of the Indo-Australian Plate beneath the greater Pacific Plate. [1]At the New Hebrides (NH) subduction zone, ridges born by the subducting Australia plate enter the trench and collide with the overriding margin. On October 7, 2009, a large interplate thrust fault earthquake (M7.6) in the northern North New Hebrides subduction zone was followed 15 minutes later by an even larger interplate event (M7.8) 60 km to the north. Integration of petrographic and geochemical data on each island in the Banks Group, northern Vanuatu (New Hebrides) has revealed a decrease in K2O (and related incompatible elements) across the islands, away from the New Hebrides trench. The subduction of the D'Entrecasteaux fracture zone-seismic ridge system in the New Hebrides island arc is investigated on the basis of the focal process of the New Hebr The New Hebrides and Middle America zones This paper … Expand. In the late Miocene, highly oblique southwards consumption of the Pacific plate along the Vitiaz trench ceased as subduction jumped across the New Hebrides arc and north-dipping subduction of the Australian plate commenced at the . REE evidence and source modelling indicates . On October 7, 2009, a large interplate thrust fault earthquake (M7.6) in the northern North New Hebrides subduction zone was followed 15 minutes later by an even larger interplate event (M7.8) 60 km to the north. A correlation between the depth of penetration of the presently active subduction zone and the major physiographic units of the ocean floor implies a nonuniform rate of subduction along the New Hebrides trench due to the hampering effect of the main structural features of the subducting Australian plate. New Hebrides trench which is the present boun- dary between the Indo-Australian and Pacific plates. Unlike the northern end of the Tonga subduction zone, on the other side of the North Fiji . Within the subduction zone 34 M7.5+ earthquakes have been recorded since 1900. and include the regional subduction zones off New Hebrides (Vanuatu), Kermadec and Puysegur, as well as distant sources off Peru, Chile and Indonesia (5). (2015) Patriat et al. Tectonoplzysics, 101 : 177-184. Summary. Bonnardot, M‐A., et al. (2001), Hall and Spakman (2002; 2004), Schellart and Spakman (2012), Fukao and Obayashi . 1). The termination of the southern New Hebrides subduction zone (southwestern Pacific). The subduction of the D'Entrecasteaux fracture zone‐seismic ridge system in the New Hebrides island arc is investigated on the basis of the focal process of the New Hebrides earthquake of 1. The original westward subduction of the Pacific plate beneath the Indo-Australian plate ceased owing to arc-plateau collisions with the Ontong-Java and Melanesian Figure 1 Tectonic map of the eastern New Hebrides subduction zone and southern North Fiji basin, with regional map shown in lower left inset. The ZoNéCo 1 and 2 cruises of Ifremer's Research Vessel L'Afalante, collected new swath bathymetry and geophysical data over the southern and northern segments of the basins and ridges formine the Lovaltv svstem. "New insights on the tectonics along the New Hebrides subduction zone based on GPS results." Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108.B6 (2003). We measure splitting of direct teleseismic S phases originating from deep events (>300 km) that have been corrected for the Rifting of the New Hebrides Ridge and formation of the Coriolis back-arc Troughs started ~ 3 Ma ago with rates of 20 to 35 mm/yr (Fig. ORSTOM, BPA-5, Noumea, New Caledonia. subduction zone, but without coalescing to generate larger events. It is not clear why this subduction zone developed in the opposite direction to the already subducting Pacific slab. Figure 1. In this model we take the simplest situation; a subduction zone developing under the edge of one continent. Within the subduction zone 34 M7.5+ earthquakes have been recorded since 1900. This resulted in the opening of the North Fiji Basin along a spreading center, and clockwise rotation of the New Hebrides Island Arc and the . View in article 1). It is mainly occupied by the country of Australia, the Indian Ocean, and a part of the Pacific ocean. Geosciences; Institute for Computational and Data Sciences (ICDS) Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review. Two subduction cycles accompanied by . It is a NW-SE trending slab that was imaged before by Fukao et al. [1] At the New Hebrides (NH) subduction zone, ridges born by the subducting Australia plate enter the trench and collide with the overriding margin. This problem has been solved! The New Hebrides island arc formed as a result of convergence between the Australian Plate and the North Fiji Basin, at a rate of 120 mm/yr. Reverse of that typically found in island arcs // doi= '' > the..., California 94025 ORSTOM, BPA-5, Noumea, New Caledonia ABSTRACT Seabeam data Park, California ORSTOM! Along the trench authors suggest that the collision of the Tonga subduction zone is active... East-Dipping subduction zone, on the other side of the North Fiji beneath Halmahera, west! And Macquarie subduction zones ) illustrates a general way of SP ( 7, 23 ) ( Fig as! 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new hebrides subduction zone