how to connect with divine feminine energy

Tantra is simply the path to wellness for everyday people. Source: This is true for men and women, but especially for any person who identifies as a woman, which we are going to refer more often in this article. "The doors to the world of the wild Self are few but precious. Rest. To me, the Divine is the presence of the Infinite Creator, it is the reflection of that unconditional love, light and beauty that permeates all living things in all of creation. It is the highest and purest energy in existence. Dark feminine energy is a potent, animating force… And she's always been here on our planet. From sculpting, music, photography, creative writing, drawing and painting, dance, even chalk pavement art and our drawings as a child. June 13, 2018. The divine feminine in you seeks to awaken you, at your deepest levels of self-understanding. Release the need to create perfection. Now the divine feminine energy raising up planetarily, there is no better time to tap into it and enjoy more success with grace. To awaken your divine feminine qualities and get in touch with your sacral chakra and the energy of creation, you can: Follow your hunches and curiosity. To unlock divine feminine energies, we need to access, fully feel, and release our feelings without judgement. If you are feeling stressed, tired or rundown, your vital life force energy may need a top up. Creativity. Feminine consciousness is attuned to the rhythm and flow of life and connecting with divine femininity will help the world to unshackle from the chains of chaos that currently strangulates us. This power of gentleness and compassion is just a small portion of the things that we receive when in the state of the Divine Feminine. Taking a few moments out of your day to ground, breathe and connect can make all the difference. 2. Divine feminine energy is genderless and exists with the soul and body, not the appointed gender. . Crystals to Connect with Divine Feminine Energy Moonstone. The Divine Feminine Energy within is so much more than words and definitions can fully express. I am tuned into the force and power of earth. Masculine essence is emptiness, nothingness, and presence. Feminine energy is a universal frequency and the very essence of our spiritual existence. Embody: How To Connect With Your Divine Feminine Energy (3) 'Honour Your Emotions' By Yiye Zhang The following, is 'Part 3' of a 5-part series - featuring the work of YiYe Zhang - this is a comprehensive guide to a fascinating and highly relevant spiritual subject. Shakti - the Divine Feminine Energy As a teacher of Women's Circles and Tantric Practices I talk a lot about the Divine Feminine energy in ourselves and in the Universe. crystals & gemstones, trauma release work, connecting with the archangels, and much, much more. Feminine energy is the energy of being, of self-love, compassion, intuition, and flow. And you'll attract even more wonderful things into your life. Yes- we all have the ability to be healers!! 8 Mar 2021. A disconnection from the divine feminine essence usually harbours a disconnection to emotions. 5 Easy Ways to Use the Divine Feminine Energy in Your Spiritual Journey "The feminine in men and women alike enjoys the flow of life and love, revels in the ability to enjoy beauty, nature, textures, colors, and experiences. If you learn how to be in your feminine energy you will start to see a huge shift in the type of men you attract and the lengths they will go to in order to be with you. Allow to fill your body; like a cup filled to the brim with light energy. One of the simplest rituals for connecting with the divine feminine is to spend time in nature. It is the highest and purest energy in existence. Right now we are being asked to work with her loving and gentle energy in order to build a society where peace, harmony, and compassion are upheld. In terms of Masculine and Feminine energy, the sun is connected to the masculine, and the moon is connected to the feminine. It's going to be shakey at first because he's used to you doing everything. (Divine Feminine Energy Awakening) . There are certain crystals that can help us connect with the Divine Feminine energy within. On a manifested level this translates to a physical woman and a physical man. I looked at the Goddesses from different pantheons to give me strength and the embodiment of the Woman I want to be. The ultimate goal of the divine masculine embarking on his journey is to connect and balance the divine masculine energy with that of the divine feminine energy and increase the vibration of his inner soul. Source: Creativity. Masculine energy is power. This item: Divine Feminine Energy: How To Manifest With Goddess Energy & Feminine Energy Awakening Secrets They Don't Want You To Know About (Manifesting For . The Divine Feminine is a sensual, visceral force that is at the heart of all life. Divine feminine energy is the energy that stems from a place of receiving, softness, being, allowing, listening, absorbing and nurturing. It also feels (and seems) like I've broken some generational cycles in my family . This quarantine I've been focusing on balancing out my blocked lower chakras (+shadow work), and immediately, I awakened my divine feminine energy. Divine feminine energy represents these aspects within the universe: Restoration, life, renewal, creation, birth, healing, receptivity, openness, motherhood, nurturing, love, understanding, compassion, insight, intuition, wisdom, forgiveness, the moon, connection . Full moon meditation is a powerful way to harness the luminous lunar energy and deeply restorative and healing power of the moon's light to feel nourished and renewed . Express your creativity. She moves through the female cycles and the monthly blood mysteries of women. The dark feminine isn't separate, but intrinsically part of the Divine Feminine: She IS the sacred essence of creation and destruction that ripples across (and deep within) the Earth. Connect To Divine Feminine Energy With Pranayama Breathing. More creativity, more emotional connection, more finely attuned intuition… the benefits are endless. Here in this interview by Kristina Ioannou for Australian Natural Health magazine I go in to more depth on the subject. In this way, the Masculine is attracted to a partner that is loving, vibrant, receptive, and embodying the feminine. While I'm definitely still a work in progress, here are 10 ways I've been working to connect to this feminine energy: Move your body - Feminine energy is all about movement and flow, so let it loose! Everything is seen through their caring eyes. 1. Read through the list below to get some ways to connect to your divine shakti. I am allowing divine feminine energy to flow through me. Divine feminine energy lives in the body. Release the need to create perfection. "We can instantly connect with the sacred feminine energy by spending time with Mother Earth," Kaiser tells mbg. The Divine Feminine is a form of energy that all beings possess. It is known by many names such as shakti, yin, and lunar energy, and is often connected symbolically with the moon, Gaia (Mother Earth), and water. To honor the yin energy within you, connect with your body. Know the difference between masculine and feminine energy and cultivate your feminine side. For women, embracing divine feminine energy is fully recognizing our divine essence, feeling the power that surrounds us, and creating a more harmonious world. Pranayama is an ancient breathing technique that can immediately help you tap into your feminine energy. 13 is also thought to be the essence of the empowered and embodied Christed Feminine. When we tune into our feelings, inner knowings, visions and voices, we realize we hold the power within us. And healing crystals can be exceptional . The divine feminine has been hidden from most men due to their masculine veil! This means practicing self-love, connecting with nature, empowering other women, tapping into your intuition, and journaling, among many other things that will help you take care of yourself while also doing good for others. L earn four ways to increase your feminine energy with the Goddesses Aphrodite, Lakshmi, Isis and Juno, and attract more love, abundance and bliss. Divine Feminine Energy. She is relaxed yet resilient, sensitive yet strong, gentle yet firm, loving and . I decided that I wanted better for myself and to be a better person. It helps you to fully inhabit your body, to experience the present moment and to feel the deep connection you have with the universe. Connect to the ultimate in the Divine Feminine - our amazing Mother Earth. Here's 6 easy steps to connect to your divine feminine energy . Fullness is the feminine principle. We are all familiar with the yin and yang of life. The divine feminine is an energy also known as shakti, yin, and lunar energy, and is often connected symbolically to the moon, Gaia (Mother Earth), and water. Well, the feminine archetypes don't work this way. Feminine energy receives. I'd love to hear from you. Often referred to as yin, shakti, or lunar, it's the caring and nurturing energy that exists within every one of us. Creativity also connects to our sensuality and . Start your cleansing process by simply tidying up. Be Open To Receiving . To awaken your divine feminine qualities and get in touch with your sacral chakra and the energy of creation, you can: Follow your hunches and curiosity. So that you may live . The feminine state is a state of constant play that wants to surrender and be conquered in order to escape again. When you learn how to use your divine feminine energy to connect with a man the sex will be much deeper and profound. My exquisite feminine body radiates loving kindness to the world. Tantra. Mothers have heightened Divine Feminine energy to be able to tend to their children. You cannot numb yourself into divine feminine. • Ask for the divine light of the Feminine Moon to enter your hands & fill your body. Water is a feminine element. Divine feminine is the energy of creation, fertility, and growth and it is directly connected to our ability to give birth to life and ideas. Ways to Connect to Your Divine Feminine Energy (And Why You Should) February 19, 2018 4:48 am Published by Eryn Johnson. This creative energy is an expression of feminine energy. Strengthen your connection to Divine wisdom (through meditation, journaling, oracle card readings) Remember to connect with the outside world; We cycle through these feminine archetypes every day. Just like the Divine Masculine, it is 'one half' of the Spirit of Life. She is the feminine that exists in all living beings on earth, including the ocean, moon, and trees. It recovers the secrets of the feminine, sexuality, fertility, and the sacred blood, the menstruation. If you're wanting to get spiritual with it, consider exploring your connection to the divine feminine. The divine feminine is the central creative force of the universe. The Divine is the sacred energy of God, Source or as I like to think of him/her, the Infinite Creator. Breathe Deep. By way of comparison, I'd like to explain the differences in Divine Masculine Energy. 2. This article will guide you to connect with the wise, magnetic, and deeply intuitive part of you. She is ready to stand beside the Divine Masculine so that they may work together in unity and balance. The full moon energies invite us to slow down, go within and connect to the divine feminine energy within us. You know how when you do a personality quiz online, it gives you one answer and says you're that? • Soak in the moon as long as you're able, then bring your hands to your heart. Allowing my body to inhabit curves, move in non-linear, non-rigid ways and literally find flow is like being choreographed by the grace and power of divine femininity. There are many ways to use crystals everyday to tap into the energy of the divine feminine: Carry a few crystals in your pocket or bag throughout the day. This energy invites connection with others. 4 Goddesses to Increase Feminine Energy. It is the true self essence of the Universe that dwells in your being, the source of all light and life within you, and your true . 4 Tips to Connect with Your Divine Feminine. Simply put, the Divine Feminine is a manifestation of feminine energy in the universe. It's the energy of flow, of being, of . A true feminine living is a journey of embodiment. For many 13 represents the return of the Divine Feminine including the mysteries connected with Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Shekinah and Sophia representing the natural rhythms and cycles coming into sacred balance. By receiving love/energy/attention your deep well of feminine energy is filled up. The Divine Feminine energy takes the other half of the Spirit of Life. Healers who feel vibrant and energetic in the bodies. (It's important to note that the Divine Feminine is something that everyone, regardless of gender identity, can connect to.) You can up the ante by incorporating any of the following essential oils: rose, jasmine, patchouli, and ylang-ylang. Use the crystals below to tap into this feminine energy that resides within you. Final thoughts. She embodies full acceptance of all, which means no longer trying to fix, change or improve others or one's self. My body is a precious gift and a temple for my soul. In the animist world, everything is Spirit: You must be open to the sensory world and stand tall in your soft power. Imagine the radical revolution if more people moved from this space. Connecting to the divine femininity is an act of worship to the divine mother, the creator of the universe. The Divine Feminine has re-emerged and will no longer be silent. Red Moon, Miranda Gray. The Divine Masculine is one part of a spiritual union and is attracted to the Divine Feminine to create a balanced relationship that brings the couple into their shared divinity. Masculine Energy/Essence. Masculine energy is known as more action oriented, giving, knowing what needs to be done and gives you courage to fulfill your life purpose. Being grounded and getting our feet . In 2021, I decided I wanted to be reborn. Let me know some other forms of feminine habits that you can turn to instead of emotional eating. 8. But physical changes in my face and body as well. I am a dynamic powerful woman. If this is all your energy allows you to do, it's fine. Divine feminine energy has a lot of names: yin, lunar, shakti, and passive, to name a few. Note that the more thorough you are in approach, the easier it becomes to recognize Divine Feminine energy in most cases (not all). The Divine Feminine . Learn its language. While spiritualists all have their own interpretations, the divine feminine typically symbolizes intuition, receptivity, compassion, abundance, nurturing, connection, love, and sensuality . The yin or feminine energy represents several aspects of the Universe including the passive, nurturing, receptive, gentle, healing, openness, love, emotions, motherhood, forgiveness, connection, harmony, sensuality and creation. To unlock divine feminine energies, we need to access, fully feel, and release our feelings without judgement. Embody: How To Connect With Your Divine Feminine Energy (4) 'Stand In Your Soft Power' By Yiye Zhang The following, is 'Part 4' of a 5-part series - featuring the work of YiYe Zhang - this is a comprehensive guide to a fascinating and highly relevant spiritual subject. I believe there's Goddess energy in all of us, the divine feminine is rising, and together we're going to birth the New Earth. Be Here Now. Connect more deeply with your body. We're more likely to snap at others, make mistakes in our work, and feel less satisfaction with our lives, let alone suffer from physical ailments. Schedule a bath at least once a week. I am blessed. It is a sacred power source that is both integral to the nature of the cosmos, as well as inherent in ourselves. This was the case for me. Articles. Emotional connection and release are often portrayed as weak or purposeless in masculine-driven societies. It is the direction and the act of moving forward. She is the macro and the micro - the human body a reflection of the body of the Earth. So if you've been feeling a little lost and disconnected lately, it could be a sign that you need to get back in touch with your divine femininity. The divine feminine energy is what balances out the masculine, it's the softness that you see in the world, the yin to the yang. Breathe in the light & the power of the moon. I am gentle. Even more profoundly, this intuition is a form of HEALING. It wants to dance in ecstasy and be taken by the masculine. It is the true self essence of the Universe that dwells in your being, the source of all light and life within you, and your true . Connecting to your divine feminine is always important, but especially this month. Your feminine side is about caring for yourself, making sure you take time to relax, eating nourishing foods, and doing things that feel good to you. Every human being has feminine and masculine energy combined, and to connect with your divine feminine is an important key to live a more pleasant and balanced life. She is the one who gives birth to all existence, tends it, and nurtures it: all very raw and instinctual processes. And the more connected you are to your body, your soul, your truth. "In nature, the feminine creative energy runs wild—its physical beauty is visible." Divine feminine is the energy of creation, fertility, and growth and it is directly connected to our ability to give birth to life and ideas. Our divine feminine energy reminds us that we are . The Red Tent is an emotional story of love, forgiveness, and sisterhood. One of the most potent qualities that feminine energy has to offer is INTUITION. To awaken your Divine Feminine Energy, make a habit out of practicing mindfulness every day, live life at your pace, and don't turn it into a competition. This doesn't necessarily mean through sex (although this certainly helps). It's about understanding our full span of power as both masculine and feminine beings and cultivating that energy when it's needed. While all beings have masculine and feminine energy within them (these actually have nothing to with gender), fully activating your feminine energy means claiming new levels of power, pleasure, and . Masculine energy penetrates. The Divine Feminine energy is a wise, mindful energy, that is full recognition for all that is. Soaking in a warm bath is a natural way to connect with your divine feminine energy because it promotes rest and stillness. 5. You must honour your body wisdom and emotions. If we are always in our masculine, we will quickly realize we lack the introspection necessary to pause and actually receive. 8. Going with the flow is an example of feminine energy. When individuals hear 'feminine,' they connect Divine Feminine energy's significance with motherhood, womanly duties, and life-birth. It represents your compassion, creativity, intuition and sensitivity. How to connect with the Divine Feminine? They are nurturing, loving, and full of understanding. According to these beliefs, the Divine Self is the Self that exists at an even higher level than the soul; it is in every human being ever born. While spiritualists all have their own interpretations, the divine feminine typically symbolizes intuition, receptivity, compassion, abundance, nurturing, connection, love, and sensuality . The divine masculine and divine feminine within already hold all the elements and wisdom within. The Divine Self, or the Higher Self, as it is also known, is a belief held by Hindus and New Age thought alike. She is sometimes known as Yin energy, Shakti, Kali, or Gaia . Please comment below. The Divine is the sacred energy of God, Source or as I like to think of him/her, the Infinite Creator. Prioritize Receiving. According to these beliefs, the Divine Self is the Self that exists at an even higher level than the soul; it is in every human being ever born. A disconnection from the divine feminine essence usually harbours a disconnection to emotions. How To Connect To Your Divine Feminine Energy / Lani Nalu, I Am Bad Ass Podcast Episode 71As a child did you ever learn how to be connected to your Divine Fe. Divine feminine energy is the goddess energy within. Emotional connection and release are often portrayed as weak or purposeless in masculine-driven societies. Your aura (energy field around you) will become larger. This creativity is located in our sacral chakra and is responsible for the creation of everything. 6. All creative art is accessed by the artist from their spiritual connection with the feminine energy. Connect. Women should work to tap into their divine feminine energy to better themselves and the world around them. 15 Ways to Radiate Divine Feminine Energy. Feminine energy is the most attractive thing to Alpha type masculine energy men. I'm Anna-Thea an author and Certified Divine Feminine Educator. The Divine Self, or the Higher Self, as it is also known, is a belief held by Hindus and New Age thought alike. And you may find yourself producing amazing creative projects. The divine feminine is an energy also known as shakti, yin, and lunar energy, and is often connected symbolically to the moon, Gaia (Mother Earth), and water. In order to dive deeper into our divine feminine, we need to get really comfortable with the aspects of ourselves that may have previously seemed shameful, too much, or "inappropriate" in some way.. Here are 6 ways to access and connect to your Divine Feminine essence on a regular basis: 1. As women, we often put ourselves last and our energy levels can suffer as a result. The Divine Feminine Energy is an Energy of receiving. The Divine feminine is the personification of creativity. The Divine Feminine is an energy, which means she can't be seen or heard, but she can be felt. But they're all the same thing. She lives in sensation, touch and dance. Think of mothers. There's no way to start connecting with the divine feminine without getting deep into the menstruation knowledge. Integrating Your Divine Feminine Energy. These two parts of us - the Divine Masculine + Feminine, Ida + Pingala, left + right side of the brain - represent the eternal dance of the human experience. Pranayama When we push through, experience sleep deprivation, or reach burn out, we're dreadfully out of balance. Reconnect to the divine feminine by reconnecting to your body. The Divine Feminine may be a visionary leader, although she does not do it alone. However, that's very far away from the truth. Place crystals in bowls or on surfaces around your home or workspace to connect to ancient Feng Shui practices. Stretch, dance, run - whatever kind of movement you enjoy - just let your body freely move and get that energy flowing. From the creation of a baby to the creation of new relationships. Take your time. Your creative expression will also be ignited. To me, the Divine is the presence of the Infinite Creator, it is the reflection of that unconditional love, light and beauty that permeates all living things in all of creation. The Divine Feminine may be seen as a Goddess, as has long been the case in Hinduism with its vast array of goddesses—Durga, Uma, Kali, Radha, Sita, Saraswati, and so many more—each representing particular aspects of the divine, such as dynamic energy, creativity, victory over negativity, and love and compassion for all. In the yogic tradition, this energy is known as kundalini shakti. Self-love and confidence boost as expected. If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. Your divine feminine energy reminds you that you are whole, that everything you desire is within you, and that you are worthy of love from yourself and from others. In this Goddess video, I share how to get out of excessive masculine energy and increase female energy so you can find more flow, manifest . Being, of here & # x27 ; re able, then bring your hands your... & amp ; fill your body, we often put ourselves last and our energy levels can as! 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how to connect with divine feminine energy